How Much Should I Tip For The Holidays?
How much will you tip this year?
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Off The MRKT - Where New York's, Real Estate, Life Style, and Culture Converge
How much will you tip this year?
Read MoreWith so much going on all the time, it can be hard to find relief from stress. When the chaos of life gets to be too much, it's important to find your Zen; that inner peace that helps you refocus and calm yourself so you can take on all of life's challenges. Here are some simple ways you can find your Zen:
This is a great go-to strategy for many people because it allows them to relax whether they're at home, work, or somewhere public. All you need to do is stop where you are and take several deep breaths in and out. Try and relax by moving your arms and legs to release the tension in your body too.
One of the best things you can do to find your inner Zen is to play music. Studies have shown people who sing are less anxious and much happier. You can create different playlists you can listen to depending on your mood and it's a great way to take time for yourself, even if it's only a few minutes. This can be the perfect way to unwind after a long day of work.
If you find yourself needing a moment of Zen, close your eyes. This allows you to shut out outside noise and find inner peace. This can also be beneficial in difficult moments, such as arguments at home. Studies show that couples with a husband that does not work full-time and a wife who is the income-earner are 33% more likely to divorce. So if you find yourself in an argument over big issues like money, pause, take a breath, and close your eyes to refocus. This will give you a new perspective.
Make no mistake: life events like divorce or a family death or changing jobs can be stressful. In those difficult moments, you can help yourself find your inner Zen by hugging a loved one. Say, for example, you're going through a divorce that's tough on you and your child. Studies show that in divorce cases, children will spend 277 days out of the year with the custodial parent.
You've often heard this when you're facing a difficult task or trying to work through a difficult situation. But there's a good reason why. If you can identify a place that brings you happiness, it can help feel total tranquility and peace when things are stressful. So when you need to find Zen, think about your ultimate happy place and picture yourself there.
Believe it or not, research has shown that putting on a smile can shift your mindset and mood. When you find yourself in a stressful situation where you need to find your Zen, smile and keep smiling. When you smile, endorphins are released, which can put you in a great mood. Let's say you're working on a house project removing mold, something that 70% of homes have been found to have. It can be hard, stressful work, but if you smile while you do it, it can make it more tolerable.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to find your Zen, even during life's most difficult moments. So, when you find yourself going through a divorce, hard times at work, or troubles at home, stop for a minute. Take deep breaths, hug someone you love, put on a smile, and think about your happy place. You may surprise yourself with just how much your mood and mindset shift for the better.
How much will you tip this year?
Read MoreThe holidays are in full swing, and it's the perfect time to take a well-earned vacation. Whether you're heading somewhere sunny or visiting relatives, it's essential to prepare your apartment for your absence. Exercising some quick precautions will leave your space in prime condition to prevent maintenance issues or sneaky visitors.
Once you hit the road, you can enjoy your break while knowing your place is safe and clean. Here are seven ways to prepare your apartment ahead of a holiday trip.
Unplug any unnecessary appliances, such as the TV, toaster and lamps. Your apartment will use less energy while you're gone, and there'll be less potential for fires. Be sure to turn off or unplug any heaters and other fire-prone devices.
You probably have a low chance of experiencing any electrical incidents, but it's always better to be safe and cut everything off. Paying a smaller electric bill doesn't hurt, either.
Ask a friend or relative to watch your apartment. You won't have to go through the trouble of making your place look lived-in. Plus, they'll collect all your mail for you and pet-sit any animals you may have. If they can't help you out, ask a kindhearted neighbor to watch over your place.
Hiring a professional apartment sitter is another option, and you're bound to find luck as a New Yorker. Sitters jump at the chance to visit appealing, well-known cities. Only try this if you don't mind a stranger staying in your place, though.
Heating your place while you're gone causes you to lose money. No one's there to enjoy the toasty environment, so why keep it cranked up to the 70s? Set it at a level that's comfortable for you — not super warm, but not cold enough to freeze your pipes.
If you have a smart thermostat linked with a smartphone app, you have the luxury of doing this step from home or while you're already on the plane. Or, you can set it to adjust automatically. Once the room is empty, your HVAC will drop the temperature on its own, leaving you with peace and reassurance.
Leave at least one faucet on while you're gone —a slow dripping of water is enough. Doing this will prevent your pipes from freezing, which would otherwise lead to pipe bursting. It's better to pay a little more for your water bill that month than have a waterlogged, moldy apartment to come back to.
Look for signs of failing pipes and plumbing issues a couple of weeks before you leave — you'll give yourself adequate time to fix these problems. Common indications of damaged plumbing include rattling pipes, drains that don't empty and weak water pressure. If any of these are present in your rental, dial a professional before setting off on your vacation.
If no one's going to be watching your place for you, set a timer to turn your lights on and off. A light timer will create the appearance of a lived-in apartment, which will deter nosy criminals.
If possible, program the lights to come on at slightly different times every day. Unless you keep a tight lighting schedule, you likely don't turn them on at the same time daily. A cunning thief could notice this and figure out you're using a switch.
The days leading to a vacation are often hectic and exciting, but remember to squeeze in some time to spruce up your space. Take out your trash and wash the dishes before you go. A sink or garbage can full of spoiled food attracts pests — you don't want to find a house party of rats or roaches once you return.
Now is also a good time to do any extra cleaning you've been meaning to tackle, like scrubbing the bathroom or vacuuming the floor. You'll feel great coming back to a sparkling apartment after a relaxing vacation.
Hopefully, you will leave your apartment locked and secured, but consider hiding your valuables as an extra step. Leaving them in plain sight makes it easier for potential thieves to run off with your belongings. Avoid putting them in typical hiding spots like closets and drawers, because burglars will look in these areas first.
Stash your things in empty food containers, potted plants, a vacuum cleaner bag or even a printer. Anything with an inconspicuous hollow space will work.
Buy a surveillance camera to survey the apartment interior and exterior if you're particularly cautious. These days, you can even get a smart system that lets you monitor your home remotely. Many devices, like Ring and Remo+, have companion apps that let you view footage on your smartphone.
Ready to embark on a wintry adventure? With these tips, your apartment will be safe and sound when you come back. In the meantime, you can enjoy your vacation without the stress of mishaps and incidents. Here's to another year of safe NYC living.
Holly Welles is a real estate blogger covering design, finance and market trends for apartment dwellers. You can find more of her work on her blog, The Estate Update.
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Read this before you add to your family
Read MoreThere is no denying that the millennial generation is a wild and peculiar bunch, one that embraces the moniker of digital natives even though some were born before the digital revolution, and one that tends to be described as highly picky at times. From the way they take care of themselves in terms of health and fitness, to their ability to resign from a company at the slightest whiff of inequality or injustice, handling and managing millennials is a tough challenge.
Particularly, the millennial bunch are a tech-driven group. Technology has become an inextricable part of the millennial lifestyle over the years, impacting the way they live, laugh, and work on a daily basis. Let’s take a look at how technology is impacting picky millennials and how you can turn this information into actionable insights.
Unlike their parents and grandparents, millennials have completely integrated technology into their everyday life. Consequently, this has made technology an inextricable part of the millennial’s decision-making process in every regard, for better or worse. Mainly, millennials are using technology to obtain information that will influence their every decision, from asking Alexa if they need an umbrella to searching for online reviews of employers they’re interested in.
This is good, this means that millennials are hungry for information that will allow them to make a data-driven decision, a quality that becomes increasingly important for a generation that has stepped into parenthood itself. The ability to base every decision on the instant availability of nuanced information has the potential to create a more sustainable and secure environment for the entire family.
Workplace communication has evolved greatly over the decades, and nowadays it looks nothing like the communication structures you would have seen in the office environments of the 20th century. Change is oftentimes good, and for the millennial, revolutionizing workplace communication definitely was a necessity. However, it’s important to note that innovative communication methods can create a rift between the generations in a company.
Concretely, millennials thrive on real-time chats and messaging apps, as well as continuous video communication that allows them to collaborate with their colleagues efficiently and effectively. While this is a good thing for the overall productivity of a company, it does mean that business leaders need to invest in training and educating the older generations in the company to allow them to catch up and assimilate themselves into the new environment.
The availability and accessibility of the world’s complete knowledge base has created a generation that cherishes a desire for lifelong education and growth. Quite simply, millennials need and want to learn throughout their lives in order to discover themselves, and pass the knowledge on to their children. Seeing as how millennials are now the parent generation as well, technology becomes an even more important part of their life.
Education has migrated into the digital realm, and nowadays you will see millennial parents using online methods to educate their children, such as online English tutoring or any other form of digital education, as knowledge is widely available no matter the subject or the location. This means that millennials and their children are increasingly learning through the internet, which for all its benefits requires caution, as there is a need to obtain knowledge through credible sources only.
In the old, pre-digital days when technology wasn’t as widely adopted as it is today, there was a distinct line separating the professional and personal lives of an individual. You would punch in your time card in the morning, and punch out in the afternoon, forgetting all about your job until the next day.
Nowadays, though, this line has become blurred or even nonexistent as the continuous connectivity makes it easier for millennials to carry their work with them throughout the day, effectively redefining the traditional work-life balance concept.
Speaking of work, technology has also become an inextricable park of the modern workplace, but it has also granted the millennial employee the ability to dictate when, where, and how they do their job. Remote work is becoming increasingly popular across the commercial realm, as both the millennial workforce and its employers stand to benefit from a more flexible arrangement. The millennial gets the freedom they need to thrive while the employer is able to cut extraneous overhead expenses and optimize payroll over the long term.
The millennial generation is often described as picky and entitled when in reality, they are simply changing traditional doctrines and disrupting the old way of life. With the technological revolution well under way, the only thing employers and business leaders can do is to appeal to the millennial generation and capitalize on their unique, tech-driven habits.
Keep reading for some tips on how to stop yourself from doing things that hold you back and start living your best life in 2019.
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Read MoreAll arts require skill. Relaxing is absolutely an art. It is not something that happens completely passively. It’s possible to have many days off work, with your only responsibility there to relax and enjoy yourself, and yet STILL feel stressed and unnerved. It’s a normal part of being a person, and in order to improve your baseline levels of comfort, you can benefit from taking a little time to perfect this skill.
Referring to relaxing as a skill is quite difficult to conceptualize. However, with this list, you’ll see how healthier options can always be chosen:
Meditation and yoga is always an essential part of learning how to relax. This is because these practices help us slow down our minds in ways that are deeper than surface level. Taking the time out of your day to visit a tantra yoga Thailand session, or to begin a guided meditation group session, or to simply research the benefits of which online can help you begin to feel a sense of kinship with concentration. Many people feel that yoga and meditation are exercises in relaxing, in getting out of your body and escaping in good feeling. This is not the case. While you will often feel refreshed and deeply restored after one of these sessions, to consider this the main aim is incorrect. You can also visit Nature Sound Retreat to learn more about the benefits of meditation.
Meditation and yoga aren’t an escape from reality, it’s a deep cultivation of your awareness of it. A concentrated mind then begins to build, and this can feel intrinsically pleasurable in itself. With this, science has proven that you’ll become more able to feel empathy, to reduce aggressive and anger-fuelled issues, to feel a sense of deep relaxation and to enjoy better physical health and sleep hygiene. Meditation and yoga help you Relax with a capital R, as it woks on the underlying emotional and psychological structure of your mind, helping you relieve stress and come to a sense of real peace.
It can be that while we find time to relax, we may not be conducting in relaxing activities. It might be that during your pleasure time this week, you’ve been watching an intense drama with difficult social situations and aggressive content. Of course, this isn’t to advise you to limit your content by appealing to the negative nature of the show in an accepting sense, but that how exposing yourself to this may mean you’re emotionally stimulated or impressed in ways that might not be the most beneficial for your relaxation time. Instead, perhaps focusing on a creative hobby, absorbing more relaxing and positive content, or taking the time to simply sit and read could help you feel much more catered for after work, or in the moments where you truly need to recharge.
We all like to relax in different ways and there are plenty of relaxation aids out there that can help you to settle down. From learning what is thco and using it to your benefit to booking in a massage at your local spa, it’s important to know what aids suit you and to incorporate them into your lifestyle.
Some people recharge in a group. Some people need to recharge alone. No matter who you are, relaxing and comforting yourself in these matters can be benefited, but only if you try both to make sure you know what is best for you. It might be you decide to spend more time with your flatmates, or perhaps more time with your family despite working obligations. If intensely socialized but at your limit, you may decide that scheduling more time alone could be tremendously helpful to you. We all have different requirements, so be sure to find the setup that works for you the most appropriately.
With these tips, you’re sure to find yourself skilled in the art of relaxing.
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Fun doodles and keeping up with various events collide to create the new trend of bullet journaling. Starting a bujo was the best thing I ever did for myself. I kept forgetting what plans I had made and usually ended up double booking myself. I also kept forgetting what absolutely had to be done the following day, thus leading to low priority stuff getting mixed into the high priority stuff (and some things being completely abandoned). If I happen to sound like you, then maybe you should check out bullet journaling as well.
Photo by: @calligraphybymcdonald on Instagram
What is bullet journaling?
Bullet journaling is a unique way for everyone to keep track of their daily events. It can help relax you after a long day, or prep you for a big day. There is no right or wrong way to bullet journaling. The key focus is for you to keep track of your life and have fun.
Where to begin:
You can choose to make one from scratch by using any notebook you want. Many bullet journalists recommend and use Moleskine notebooks. If you’re on the busier side, you can buy a planner meant for bullet journaling so you won’t have to draw your layouts. After choosing your journal, you need a pen or a pencil, then you can start working on your monthly layouts.
Photo by: @focusign on Instagram
Starting to track:
Many people use their bullet journals to keep track of everyday things outside of events.These things include: emotions, workouts, daily water intake, and tv shows watched. Some people also use their journals to keep track of their budget or for motivation to save money by doing a no spend challenge, which means no money is spent outside of necessities.
Plan out some things you would like to keep track of, then figure out a design you would like to follow. For a simplistic approach, you can number down the sides for each day of the month, then draw a box after each day which can then be colored in after your goal/day is accomplished.
By Shaunna Redman
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Working from the comfort of their home is a dream come true for many people. You get a chance to be your own boss and the master of your schedule. There is no one looming over your shoulder and pushing you over the edge. Alas, escaping the tedious 9-5 loop should not throw you in the void of constantly juggling work and life.
Another challenge to keep in mind is that our work routines often die by a thousand little cuts, all those short pauses and distractions in the living environment. Is it possible to avoid these pitfalls? The answer is yes, but apart from discipline and perseverance, you need to harness the power of time management.
It all starts with a shift in the mindset. I have seen so many people (including myself) chasing clients only to lose sight of how that affects their lives. In other words, they disregard the value of their own time. Do we really have to be available on weekends, nights, and days? Is it not enough to provide quality service and high value?
One of the hardest lessons is learning to say no. It took me quite a while to overcome this blockage, but I realized that I had to disconnect and spend time unwinding every now and then. It comes down to striking a better work-life balance and finding room in the schedule for your own happiness and health. Otherwise, you risk being overworked and experiencing a burnout.
When everything depends on you and you alone, you cannot afford to drift around aimlessly. Get your priorities straight and be more organized. Use calendars and alarms to stay on tracks. Keep records of your contacts, invoices, tasks, due dates, documents, expenses, spreadsheets, etc. You can use the good old pen and paper or digital tools such as the Google Drive.
Moreover, one of the best habits you can develop is creating daily and weekly and daily to-do lists. In a nutshell, write down everything you want to accomplish in a set time frame. It is a good idea to handle the most important tasks at times of the day when you feel most energized. Less taxing tasks like checking emails can be performed even while commuting.
Rest assured that you do not need to work harder, just smarter. Managing time effectively revolves around being productive. The number of hours you put into tasks does not mean all that much. Even working for eight hours non-stop does not guarantee exceptional results. Science has proven that taking regular breaks holds the key to maintaining peak productivity.
So, do not be afraid to “waste” time on a lunch or coffee breaks every day. Here, I would underline that many freelancers successfully use a Pomodoro technique. Basically, you work in 25 minute bursts and then take a break of five minutes. During these breaks, you should stand up, stretch a bit, and rest your eyes from the screen.
On the other hand, when you work, you need to really work. To make it happen, start treating your freelancing remote job like any real office job. Beyond everything else, minimize the number of distractions that can always prolong your work indefinitely. For most people, this means closing social media tabs and muting all notifications on the smartphone.
But, you also need to embrace a holistic approach and limit the overall information intake. At the same time, try to avoid multitasking. This practice forces your brain to engage in a perpetual back and forth and wastes precious time. Even when tackling less demanding duties such as filling paid surveys online, you should complete them first and only then proceed to the next block of tasks.
When caught up in frantic clicking, typing, mailing, and browsing, it is easy to lose track of time. Also, you might be unaware of just how much these things can drain you. When I was doing nothing more than mindless clicking, I was happy with how little mental effort this required. However, after a while I became aware that it is something that stresses me out and drains energy.
So, know what your limits are and set realistic goals. Identify tasks and obligations that eat up most of your time or willpower. Most likely, you can benefit from streamlining and automating social media, email, and scheduling activities. Finally, bear in mind that there is an option to delegate and outsource tasks. That way, you will still be able to deliver without going out of your way.
It is true what they say: time is money. I would also add that you never want to have it as an enemy. Like it or not, sound time management is integral to success of any work-at-home individual. This practice gives us the best of both worlds: getting more things done every day and still having a life outside work. You must measure the time and predict it help of clock-in clock-out apps.
So, if you really mean business, create a system and explain to clients how it works. There are many ways to prove indispensable other than being available around the clock. Schedule some regular downtime and take frequent breaks from work. Know when it is best to keep the nose to the grindstone and when to step away from it.
By Sophia Smith
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If you are going away for the very first time then you will know what an incredible experience this can be. You’ll probably be excited and nervous at the same time and this is completely normal. Of course, it does help to prepare yourself before you go as this will help you to get more out of your trip and it will also help you to feel way more comfortable with the events that unfold as well.
Read MoreDo you wish your life was full of joy and laughter, but you often find yourself wondering why it isn’t that way at all? Life is full of swings and roundabouts, and can be like a rollercoaster at times. You have to experience the bad to really appreciate the good. That being said, there’s nothing to say that you can’t work towards having more fun every day.
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