How to Find Zen During Life's Most Difficult Moments

With so much going on all the time, it can be hard to find relief from stress. When the chaos of life gets to be too much, it's important to find your Zen; that inner peace that helps you refocus and calm yourself so you can take on all of life's challenges. Here are some simple ways you can find your Zen:

Take a Deep Breath

This is a great go-to strategy for many people because it allows them to relax whether they're at home, work, or somewhere public. All you need to do is stop where you are and take several deep breaths in and out. Try and relax by moving your arms and legs to release the tension in your body too.

Play Some Music

One of the best things you can do to find your inner Zen is to play music. Studies have shown people who sing are less anxious and much happier. You can create different playlists you can listen to depending on your mood and it's a great way to take time for yourself, even if it's only a few minutes. This can be the perfect way to unwind after a long day of work.

Close Your Eyes

If you find yourself needing a moment of Zen, close your eyes. This allows you to shut out outside noise and find inner peace. This can also be beneficial in difficult moments, such as arguments at home. Studies show that couples with a husband that does not work full-time and a wife who is the income-earner are 33% more likely to divorce. So if you find yourself in an argument over big issues like money, pause, take a breath, and close your eyes to refocus. This will give you a new perspective.

Hug A Loved One

Make no mistake: life events like divorce or a family death or changing jobs can be stressful. In those difficult moments, you can help yourself find your inner Zen by hugging a loved one. Say, for example, you're going through a divorce that's tough on you and your child. Studies show that in divorce cases, children will spend 277 days out of the year with the custodial parent.

Go To Your Happy Life

You've often heard this when you're facing a difficult task or trying to work through a difficult situation. But there's a good reason why. If you can identify a place that brings you happiness, it can help feel total tranquility and peace when things are stressful. So when you need to find Zen, think about your ultimate happy place and picture yourself there.


Believe it or not, research has shown that putting on a smile can shift your mindset and mood. When you find yourself in a stressful situation where you need to find your Zen, smile and keep smiling. When you smile, endorphins are released, which can put you in a great mood. Let's say you're working on a house project removing mold, something that 70% of homes have been found to have. It can be hard, stressful work, but if you smile while you do it, it can make it more tolerable.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to find your Zen, even during life's most difficult moments. So, when you find yourself going through a divorce, hard times at work, or troubles at home, stop for a minute. Take deep breaths, hug someone you love, put on a smile, and think about your happy place. You may surprise yourself with just how much your mood and mindset shift for the better.