Rotterdam Lives on


Originally dating back to 1916, Post Rotterdam signifies more than a central attraction for the city of Rotterdam. It signifies strength and resistance, standing as one of few structures that survived the World War II aerial bombings that decimated the rest of the city. No matter what was lost – physical or emotional means- the people of Rotterdam had the Post to see as a sign of inspiration. Keeping this in mind, ODA New York has designed an innovative tower meant to remind the people of the city what it stands for.

ODA has taken over many architectural projects in North America, setting itself up as a reputable firm that – as their website states- “puts people first”. They are now taking over the rest of the world, expanding into East Asia, parts of Africa, and now into the Netherlands. The appeal to their architecture is evident. Their goal is to create a modern brand of urbanization for their client, but not forgetting that civilization should also incorporate nature. By bringing in aspects of both indoor and outdoor creations, ODA has created a method of not having to choose: you can have both. Postkantoor is no exception.

 Set to be a completely renovated city-center, the goal is simple: give the area a sense of flow and connectivity to the city, history, and people. Working hand-in-hand with local architects to get a true sense of what Rotterdam is and who the residents are. The main attraction will be the 150-foot tower in the current courtyard, set to have five-foot spacing columns. Perhaps the most astonishing feature the tower will have is the varying window designs intended to give the place an open feel with the abundant daylight streaming in.

In eye-sight from the tower, the Great Hall serves as an elegant and historic monument with a grand vaulted design. With intentions of keeping the Great Hall’s history and memories intact, it will only undergo restoration, but nothing will be demolished in it. One addition to it will be an additional and third entrance to the hall, off of Rodezand. In essence, all of the new amenities were planned to keep this interconnectedness in mind. The shops, dining, and galleries are all in the courtyard area, making a full day of activities feasible in the heart of a city with heart and soul.

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