Sizzling Summer Choices For Your Garden Party Menu

Summer is just around the corner. This means that it’s the perfect time to start planning a garden party, complete with some delicious treats and delightful choices. Without the right menu, your garden party will leave your guests wanting. So, let’s take a look at some of the best options that you should consider here. While there are lots of options that will only take a little time, others will require a tad more preparation. Let’s dig in.

Pork Tenderloin 

One great option for your summer menu would be a pork tenderloin. You may want to check out a baked pork tenderloin recipe. This can easily be prepared beforehand which means that you won’t have to worry about not having the food available that you need. 

Since it's summer, this is something that you can prepare on the grill while your guests are mingling. However, you can also use a slow cooker. That way, the brunt of the cooking can be completed while you are preparing other elements of your party such as the decor. 

Pizza Time 

Another fantastic choice would be homemade. If you’re lucky, then you might have a stone pizza oven as part of your garden design. If you don’t, then you might want to consider exploring this idea. You’re always going to impress guests with pizza that you create yourself and you can ensure there’s a variety of different toppings for guests to choose from. You can even base your entire garden party around highlighting your new stone pizza oven. These aren’t as expensive as you might imagine and could be a perfect addition to your home. 

Alternatively, it is possible to prepare pizza in a typical oven when you have the right recipe, instructions and ingredients. 

Chicken Wings 

A classic choice for a grill garden party are chicken wings. People often think that the most important piece of the puzzle here is going to be how well the wings are cooked. While this is worth considering, it’s relatively easy to get this right. A more difficult element is perfecting your marinating sauce. Remember, the marinating sauce needs to be prepared the day before. You can then leave the chicken to marinate in the fridge overnight, soaking up all the delicious juices. 

Raspberry Sorbet

You might be thinking about preparing ice cream for the guests at your garden party as a tantalizing treat for a desert. While this isn’t a bad idea, you could consider something like a raspberry sorbet instead. An option like this will go down a treat and be perfect for anyone who has a particular sweet tooth. For instance, you might want to check out a raspberry sorbet recipe online. This is going to be fantastic for your party because it will provide a refreshing option that could be the perfect conclusion to your garden party menu. Quick Choices

Perhaps you don’t have much time to spend preparing your summer menu. If that’s the case, then you should think about some quick choices that you can easily manage in a short amount of time. Arguably, one of the best choices here is going to be preparing a buffet, complete with a variety of different foods. 

It’s easy to prepare a buffet, simply by picking up some cold and hot foods that you can lay out for your guests to choose. 

Or, you could opt for something like soup. Chilled soup is a popular choice for the summer and can be very refreshing for your guests. 

Must Haves 

Finally, there are a few must-haves for your garden party menu. For instance, you should ensure that there’s a healthy variety of dips for your guests to choose from. You might also want to buy several packs of chips so that you don’t run out. This is a great light snack and the perfect choice of nibbles for the summer season. 

Another important option would be to include salads and dressings. We think you’ll agree that no garden party menu is complete without salads to compliment the choice of meats for your party. 

We hope this helps you plan the perfect menu for your garden party this season. Remember, it’s important to ask guests about diet requirements. You might find that they have special requests which you must take into account. For instance, you may need to prepare vegan or vegetarian options. If that’s the case, a refreshing salad can be the best way forward with a few unique choices to ensure that it does stand out.