4 Areas of Health You Should Never Forget to Get Checked

Growing older can be scary, especially because you start to worry about many things, such as your finances and health. However, these are some of the things you need to begin preparing for as soon as possible. Life being very unpredictable, you should ensure you're getting regular health checkups to keep you in the know of your health status. According to the CDC, millions of lives could be saved yearly with routing checkups as one identifies problems early when they can still be cured or managed. Here are particular health areas you should never forget to get checked.

1. Nervous system

Nerves are sensitive parts of your body. They are responsible for carrying messages to your brain, allowing your five senses to work, andthey’re responsible for bodily functions out of your control, like sweating, breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. It is necessary to ensure that you check for neuropathy yearly and seek treatment by going for Virginia Laser Therapy.

Neuropathy is common among all ages, although older people are at a higher risk. Some of the common risk factors of neuropathy are alcohol use, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol. It is therefore essential to check for these as well to keep your overall health in check.

2. Skin check

Being the largest body organ, the skin is exposed to many potential allergies and infections due to contact with environmental elements. Even if you have clear skin and always take care of it, getting a skin check yearly from a dermatologist is necessary. When a doctor examines your skin, including your scalp, they can identify moles and spots that could be a symptom of skin cancer. Your dermatologist can discuss with you other areas of concern and advise you accordingly.

3. Mental health check

Your mental health is just as vital as your physical health. Daily, you're exposed to stressors that can affect your mental health negatively, causing you to get anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, among other mental disorders. To take care of your mental health, go for preventive screening, where the doctor asks you a series of queries. Questions can relate to sleep issues, trouble concentrating, or lack of energy. Depending on you and your doctor's conversation, they can refer you to a therapist or recommend medication.

4. BMI

Knowing your BMI (Body Mass Index) is essential to maintaining a healthy weight. To calculate your BMI, know your height and weight and use the formula for calculation. When you have a BMI of 25 or higher, it indicates you're overweight; 30 and above means you're obese, while below 18 indicates being underweight. Being overweight or obese exposes you to the risk of being diabetic, getting heart disease, and osteoarthritis. It's vital to maintain a healthy weight ranging between 18.5 and 24.9.

Some of the areas of your health that you put off can cause more significant problems like cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Instead of waiting until a condition gets worse, go for testing and screenings. You can live your healthiest life when you know your status. Eat right, exercise, take your medication, and enjoy life to the fullest.