4 Effective Ways to Block Blue Light Emission

Nowadays, it is rare that you’ll find someone not having an electronic device within hand’s reach. Technology is dominating our world, and everyone now has access to more than one device that emits blue light. Of course, this can have a detrimental effect on our eyesight. In fact, eye exposure to electronic devices will have a long-term effect on our eyes.

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Although research hasn’t been particularly clear on what that entails, we must always be cautious when it comes to our eyesight. This guide will help you combat one of the most dangerous light emissions: blue light emitted by our screens.

1.   Use a Screen Filter

If blue screen light is bothering you to a great extent, you’ll have to shop for screen filters. Luckily, screen filters are now becoming more popular as the demand for them increases. If you shop online for these filters, you’ll find models that can fit your laptop, phone, or tablet screen. Make sure to pick the right model, though, or else it might damage your screen. Screen filters should fit easily on to the screen without damaging it or affecting the touch screen. In short, your screen filter must operate without interfering with the functions of your device. These devices are particularly helpful, especially for kids who use computers or laptops for gaming. They’re also useful for teenagers and college students who need to use their laptops to do schoolwork.

2.   Blue Light Blocking Glasses

There are glasses that have been specially made to absorb blue light and reduce eye strain. If you want your glasses to protect your eyesight while working, the glasses manufacturers at Block Blue Light recommend that you use new glasses with blue light blocking features that can absorb between 90 to 99% of blue light. Their prices, which can start from $10, are moderate and budget-friendly, so you won’t have to worry about being about to afford them. Glasses with the blue light blocking feature will improve your speed, and help you focus on the tasks at hand. They are also known to reduce the risks of developing cataracts or macular degeneration conditions. You’ll be able to use your devices for hours on end without having to worry about your eyesight. These glasses are an important investment, especially if you do most of your work while staring at a screen.

3.   Reduce Screen Time

If your work doesn’t necessitate staring at the screen of your computer for hours, you can instead limit your exposure. It is true that avoiding electronic devices is impossible in our world, now that almost every piece of technology governs how we communicate and do our work. However, you can reduce your time of exposure. 


For example, you can avoid electronics when you’re not working. Substitute that time with other activities, such as exercising, or yoga. Digital devices are a form of escapism for a lot of people, so if you’re really adamant about taking that step, you must find another activity that can provide that same amount of entertainment. You might try drawing, for example, or writing. You may also want to spend more time with your friends. This can, to some extent, reduce eye fatigue and muscle strain.

4.   Get Regular Eye Exams

If there is one thing that can ensure your eyesight is in great condition, it is regular eye exams. Make sure to get your eyes examined every once in a while by a licensed optometrist. Even when you’re taking all the precautions to protect your eyes from blue light or other invisible emissions, you must talk to a specialist and have them examine your eyes. While this step might sound unnecessary at some points, it will give you peace of mind. It will also ensure that your vision is always clear and healthy. If your vision is indeed deteriorating due to blue light, make sure to follow your optometrist’s instructions to the letter. You must couple these efforts with following the precautions we’ve mentioned in the previous steps.

Our eyesight is irrefutably one of the most important senses we have. There is no substitute for our eyesight once it is damaged. It is, therefore, of the essence that we do all we can to protect our eyes from any harm. Protecting your eyes can start with the simple act of blinking, as that action helps to keep them moist and refreshed. However, if you want a more effective method of protecting your eyes, you can ask your ophthalmologist to prescribe protective lenses with blue light filters.