Useful Gadgets That Will Help You Train Your Dog

You love your dog, but they're driving you crazy. They won't stop jumping on the couch, barking at the doorbell, or chewing up your favorite shoes. You have tried everything from treats to discipline to get them to obey, but nothing seems to work! Sound familiar? Fortunately, there are many gadgets and tools that can help train your dog in no time and make life with them more enjoyable for everyone. Here are some of our favorites.


1) Puppy Potty Trainer Pads

Puppies are cute, but they can also be quite a hassle. You have to let them out frequently throughout the day, and you often find yourself cleaning up messes where they shouldn't have gone.  However, you can make this unpleasant job easier by using puppy potty trainer pads, suggest dog professionals at The Wise Pup because they're easy-to-use and effective for house training. Pads are litter box-like, your dog will be able to comfortably relieve themselves on them. 

To use the potty trainer pads, simply follow the instructions on the box or in the package. Often, you will need to place them in your pet's preferred bathroom spot and show your dog where it is with a treat and some praise. When they start using it, you can remove the pad and slowly decrease its size. Once your dog has trained in a smaller area, they will know to always go to that spot in front of the door or in the corner when they need to relieve themselves.

2) Anti-Bark Dog Collar

Dealing with a barking dog problem can be very frustrating. Your pet may like to let you know when someone comes to the door or when they hear something that's out of the ordinary. However, constant barking can become annoying for both of you.  To solve this issue, an anti-bark dog collar might be the solution you need. 

Dog professionals suggest using a no bark collar because they deliver a safe and humane way to train your pet. The device is activated with a microphone that senses when your dog barks and emits a safe stimulus to immediately stop barking. For example, you can choose from vibration, citronella spray, or ultrasonic sounds to irritate your pet and get them to be quiet. If they keep barking, the collar will deliver an electric shock that is not harmful but very uncomfortable for your dog. 

3) Automatic Ball Thrower/Fetch Machine

Any dog owner knows that having to play fetch with your pet over and over again can become tiring, but you want them to stay active. The automatic ball thrower is the perfect solution because it works like a vending machine for pets. Simply place some balls inside, set the distance you want, and turn it on. Your dog will have constant access to fresh balls to play with, which means you won't have to do any of the work. However, you can still get involved if your pet needs some encouragement or just wants more one-on-one time! Additionally, consider training and boarding for dogs for more comprehensive solutions to keep your dog active and well-trained.

4) Training Clicker

Dogs can be trained using a variety of methods, but positive reinforcement is often the best way to go. Training clickers are simple devices that get your pet's attention and let them know they're doing something right. 

You simply need to press the button every time you want to reward your dog for following your commands. This will help your pet to learn what works well for them and which behaviors are not acceptable.

5) Dog Fence

Once your dog has been properly trained, you will want to let them run free to play outside! However, it is not safe for them to wander off and get out of the yard. According to The Pampered Pup, the best way to ensure that your puppy can play safely in your backyard is to install an invisible or wireless fence. A wireless dog fence gives your pet a designated area to stay within while they wander around in the grass or go about their business. With the convenience of modern technology, you can now easily control and monitor your pet's boundaries using the invisible fence app. The best part is that these are not permanent devices since you can easily move them to a new location or take it down if necessary. You can even put the fence inside the house if you want to restrict movement around certain furniture or within rooms at set times of the day.


Whether you're training your dog or simply looking for ways to make their life more comfortable, there are a variety of tools and gadgets that can help. The article discusses five different products which we believe will be useful for pet owners: puppy potty trainer pads, anti-bark dog collars, automatic ball throwers/fetch machines, training clickers, and wireless dog fences. Find the gadget that suits your and your dog's needs and enjoy being a pet owner.