The Future of Gay Online Dating: Trends, Innovations, and Evolving Rules

If you're gay and single, the good news is online dating is proving to be especially popular amongst the LGBT community. People identifying as being part of this demographic are twice as likely to be searching for love in the virtual environment as their straight friends. The future of gay online dating is, indeed, looking rosy! But that's no reason for complacency. The best way to guarantee success when using the virtual environment to search for your ideal partner is to get an overview of gay matchmaking. So, let’s take a closer look at this scene’s trends and innovations. Here’s how the rules are evolving with the times.

An introduction to LGBT matching

Where would you normally go to find a local gay hookup with singles who might be looking for a romantic connection? If you’ve previously been into club culture, or hanging around trendy LGBT bars, have you ever found the right person? Your best option would be to succumb to the allure of virtual matchmaking. Unlike offline situations where you have no way of knowing the motivations of the singles you chat with, in the digital environment compatibility is everything.

Changes in societal attitudes

It's only within living memory that same-sex activities have become generally accepted. The 1960s saw the introduction of legislation permitting what had previously been seen as illegal. There's a reason why gay men were described as 'coming out of the closet' to declare their true feelings and openly participate in relationships. This is because, before these shifts in opinion, they had to hide, keeping their true emotions suppressed. In many cases, gay guys felt obliged to marry and even start families, living a life. This wasn't great for self-esteem and impacted mental health. Thankfully, there have been seismic shifts in attitudes. Society in general, as well as the LGBT community, recognises the importance of acceptance and inclusivity. We are all encouraged to look after our mental wellbeing. Anyone harboring prejudices based on sexual orientation, perhaps for religious or conservative leanings, is seriously out of step with the prevailing climate. Worse still, if they act upon their negative impulses, they’re actually in danger of facing prosecution.

Evolving rules

Gays in the market for a relationship can tap into the developing freedoms to express how they feel. Dating outlets have been particularly good in this respect because they're now so much more than platforms where singles can meet. They've become social hubs, safe places where like-minded individuals will always feel welcome. Younger people who might be coming to terms with their sexuality can find guidance and support. This can be such a complicated subject, as LGBT identity is never static, and rules are fluid, evolving all the time. Perhaps a better way of looking at future rules about gay dating is that this state of flux needs to be embraced. Always be open-minded when you’re going into a potential relationship. The person you are attracted to will not necessarily fit into a convenient box any more than you do. In the LGBT community, people are always up for experimenting, for exploring different avenues. You might come across someone who has bisexual tendencies. Or whose previous partner was trans. You just never know what’s around the corner, but that’s what’s so exciting about the single world. There has never been a more exciting time to register with one of the aforementioned social hubs and widen your circle of friends. Some of whom may well turn out to be friends with benefits!

Create a captivating dating profile

One thing that will always be a constant is the need to have a powerful dating profile. Because digital matching has become so popular, you’ll find that the competition to find partners in these platforms can be fierce at times. This is nothing to shy away from – quite the reverse! It means the moment you sign up for an LGBT site or app, you’re guaranteed to come across a diverse range of potential partners. What you need to ensure is that your dating page stands out from the crowd. So, ensure your profile photo is alluring, depicting you giving an amiable smile, and preferably taken with a high-quality smartphone camera. Blurry screenshots or selfies will just give the impression you’re only taking this dating business half-heartedly. When describing your interests, emphasise anything out of the ordinary. Any number of profiles will say stuff like, 'I love Indian food' or 'Romcoms are my favorite.’ Try stating, ‘I adore picnics in scenic parks surrounded by scented flowers.’ Or ‘I love getting adventurous at weekends … anyone else up for joining me at an indoor climbing centre?’ These are snippets that will advertise you are someone who is exciting. An interesting dude any gay single would want to get to know better.