Reach Out To Your Community As A Tenant

Homeownership is not a priority for everyone. Indeed, 77% of Americans prefer to rent rather than having to buy a home. For many, renting offers a sense of freedom, allowing them to easily change location and lifestyle to adjust to their needs or follow new opportunities. Owning your house can make it significantly more difficult to be flexible and reactive to new life events. 

Additionally, finding luxury apartments for rent can give you access to exciting amenities and facilities that would not have been available as a homeowner. Yet, through a managed property service that runs multiple locations, tenants can also benefit from free gym access, reduced or free Internet connection, etc. 

But it can be tricky to make your new place feel like an integral part of the community. Here are some tips to get to know your neighbors and build a close community feeling.

Throw a housewarming party

It's tough to arrive in a new community when you are the latest tenant in an apartment building. But you can break the ice easily and rapidly by arranging to invite your neighbors for a get-to-know each other. Your housewarming party gives you the perfect opportunity to meet people and chat about the local news. 

The first thing you want to consider is how to appeal to the grown-up population without disrupting neighbors who may have young children. In other words, you want a quiet gathering that is still fun without causing any trouble. A cocktail party can let you flex your cocktail making skills and impress your guests. You can also plan mocktail recipes to ensure everyone can have a pretty drink. 

In a multicultural community, you can encourage guests to bring a treat from their home cultures, such as Lebanese sweets or Korean side dishes. This way, everyone gets to talk and introduce their food.  

Join community events

Does your local community organize events, such as a market street or open BBQ parties? Attending a few events can help you meet new people and integrate more rapidly into the local activities. 

You can offer to help with the preparation, which can alleviate a lot of social stress and anxiety when facing new people. 

Alternatively, simply having fun and chatting with your neighbors can be enough to feel part of the community. 

Actually introduce yourself

How often do you talk to your neighbors? The typical American doesn't know the name of their direct neighbors and wouldn't recognize another resident in the lift. Unfortunately, most people feel uncomfortable talking to strangers. But it only takes one chat to lift the mood and remove all awkwardness. It's worth greeting people in the lift or on your way in and out when you move in, so they get to know you. 

You can also engage in casual conversation in the local convenience stores and takeaway restaurants, reaching out to the people to let them know you are new and ask for their recommendations. You may be surprised by their responses! It only takes making the first step to build a connection. 

As a tenant, feeling part of the local community can help make you feel at home and find support. Your community can help water your plants when you are away, look after your pet, or simply have a chat when you feel lonely. Not being a homeowner is a choice for more and more Americans. But it doesn't have to be an isolating lifestyle.