Learn How To Deal With Your Home Waste The Right Way

Today, looking at the number of disposable materials used in our respective homes, it is acceptable to say that an average home in our cities produces more than 1.5kg of waste every 24 hours with little or no knowledge of the right way to dispose of it. 

Almost all our home supplies are packaged in potential waste made from materials such as glass, paper, and polymer plastic –which generates tons of waste every year, constituting a large percentage of the world’s entire waste.

The negative impact of badly managed home waste is on the high side and this has resulted in a range of environmental issues such as global warming which is caused by incessant burning of waste. This also poses danger to the respiratory health of people in areas where waste is constantly burned. 

Even worse, improper waste disposal can lead to potential disasters such as floods resulting from blockage of waterways by improperly disposed waste. This can also lead to the contamination of surrounding water bodies which can harm our health in the long run.

Therefore, it is beyond “just necessary” to take proper home waste disposal seriously and as a matter of urgency.

Categories Of Home Waste

Home waste falls into several different categories. Let’s take a look at these to help us better understand the right way to dispose of each type of waste.

Liquid Waste

These are waste in a liquid form generally from water used in running household activities. Liquid wastes can be properly disposed of by constructing an uninterrupted sewage system that collects the waste and disposes of it without having contact with other water bodies around the home, especially drinking water.

Solid Waste

These are the common classes of waste and they are the waste generated from used material, disposable assets, abandoned household tools, and homewares. They are sub-categorized into; Paper waste, Plastic waste, Metal waste, Ceramic waste, and Glass waste.

How To Manage Waste The Right Way

The question of why home waste should be disposed of the right way has been answered in the mind of readers reading this from the third eye. Let's consider these right ways of home waste disposal.

Measure The Amount Of Waste

Anything that can be managed can be improved upon. If you start practicing proper waste measurement, you may find out that some of the waste accumulated is not necessary and can be avoided. With visual assessment and weekly waste estimation, you can begin to see more differences in the amount of waste generated, and this can help you make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of waste your home generates.


This is a method of waste disposal that involves burning waste. Even though incineration is a quick fix for waste management, it has a high pollution tendency and it is one of the leading causes of global warming. This is because hydrocarbons are released during the combustion process.

Hiring a waste disposal company like skip bin hire can help you dispose of your home waste more effectively. Many households and businesses often face challenges in their attempt to dispose of their waste leaving their environs too ugly to behold and unhealthy to live in.


This is quite similar to waste measurement and it involves planning how waste can be avoided and how generated waste can benefit local businesses around you. The waste generated can be converted to wealth or its management becomes the responsibility of those in need of it.



A landfill is a site assigned for the primary purpose of garbage disposal. The challenge of using landfills is that when some materials begin to decompose, harmful substances and chemicals are released into the soil and may harm the surrounding soil and environment for several years. This is a major reason why most items selected for dumping in landfills are now restricted.


Another way to manage organic waste is to convert it into manure for agricultural processes using a mechanized manure processing system or local compost system in areas where it will not contaminate the water or constitute air pollution. To do this, waste is left in a place for a while i.e. in a pit for a long time, where microbe interact with it and turn it into compost which can be then be used for agricultural purposes

Learning how to dispose of waste the right way has a whole lot to do with your health and that of the people around you. As a homeowner, improperly disposed waste around your property can drastically reduce the aesthetic value of your home, pose serious health risks to you and your loved ones, and can give the wrong first impression of you to visitors.