Lawn Maintenance: How To Keep Your Yard Looking Beautiful

If you have a yard outside your house, it can be the ideal place for relaxing with your family when the weather allows it. It’s also a great place for kids to play in the sun and on the grass as a change from their rooms. Moreover, you should take yard maintenance seriously to keep it looking fresh and attractive to those passing by. Here are some maintenance tips you can use to have the most beautiful yard on the block:

1. Water Properly

The watering technique or pattern you follow could make or break your lawn. Many people think frequent watering is the way to maintain a beautiful lawn. However, it’s proven that deeper watering less often and giving your lawn a full soak is much more effective. A lawn only needs water when the top two inches of the soil look like they have dried. Don’t just go for quick, light sprinkling; adjust your system to run deeper into the soil. 

2. Don’t Forget To Aerate

One of the most important things you can do to keep your yard looking beautiful is helping it breathe properly! Aerating refers to the process of making small holes at specific depths in the soil using any type of tool to improve air access into it. Not only does this process give the soil the air it needs, but it also lets in many nutrients, sun, and water. The timing of aerating plays an important role; the ideal time is in the fall, right before the cold kicks in. 

3. Fertilize And Remove Weeds At The Right Time

Speaking of timing, it has an even bigger role when it comes to fertilizing your yard and protecting it from weeds. The yard maintenance professionals at recommend having a fertilization program to keep track of feedings. Fertilizing depends on the type of grass you’re growing and the fertilizer you’re using. It’s usually better to start fertilization in the spring followed by fall feedings to fix summer damages for warm-seasoned grass. Cold-seasoned grass should be fertilized more intensely in the fall and less in early spring. As for weed-killing, it’s also better to start attacking them in early spring and summer with different chemicals. 

4. Perfect Your Mowing

Weather conditions and the time of year usually control how often you should mow your yard. Cold weather requires less mowing, while warm weather means the grass grows quicker and hence, more frequent mowing. The way you mow your yard makes all the difference in how your yard looks. For cool-season grass, you should mow more than 2½ to 3½ inches, while warm-season grass should be cut a bit shorter than that. 

5. Attention to Detail

Lawn maintenance really just comes down to attention to the little details, because they make all the difference. Something as simple as edging your lawn will go such a long way in its overall appearance. You need to get some sheers and trim the edges of the grass and plants so that nothing is bleeding over the pathways or separators that you’ve put in or better yet contact Everett Yard Maintenance Services to help you in maintaining and cleaning up your lawn. Make it a point to also trim your tree branches if you have any, and keep your bushes well trimmed as well. This is something that won’t take much time from you if you do it on a regular basis. However, if you don’t tend to it at all, it’s going to become a much larger issue and can actually affect the surrounding plants. 

6. Look Out for Patches

Regardless of the size of your backyard, you’re bound to miss spots here and there. However, it’s so important that you give your garden a good and thorough inspection at least once a week so that you can look out for bare patches. These patches are a sign of not enough care in that specific spot. So it might mean it’s not getting enough sunlight or nutrition, or an animal may have tampered with this area. In this event, you need to repatch the spot so that you don’t have a spotty lawn. 

Our homes are our palaces and the place we create to take pride in. Your backyard is so important because your outdoor area is where you go to connect with nature and get some fresh air, as well as entertaining your friends and family. This is why it’s so important to take good care of your lawn. These are the main ways to keep your yard looking straight out of a movie scene. As you can see, the element of time plays a major role in getting the perfect yard, so it’s best to set a schedule for mowing, watering, aerating, fertilizing, mulching, etc. If it feels like too much work, employ professional help who will keep track of everything.