How To Create An Effective Real Estate Website

A strong presence is an important part of the modern real estate professional’s marketing arsenal. Is your website equipped with the right tools to boost your impact in this competitive industry?

Responsive Design

Mobile internet use has surpassed desktop computer use. If your real estate investor website isn’t easy to use on smartphones and tablets, you’re already behind. With most users searching while they’re out and about, your website must have responsive design elements that make your site content accessible on different devices, browsers, and platforms. 

Smartphones and tablets have smaller screen sizes, use touch input, and can be at the mercy or variable connection speeds. Will users be able to use your website as easily on mobile as they can on a computer? A better user experience is important for maximising your online presence. 

Google uses a search algorithm that rewards responsive websites with higher search rankings too. 

Lead Capture

For realtor websites, success isn’t measured by the number of views and clicks you get. Your website should be an effective tool to drive leads that can become new clients. 

Don’t let your users trail off your website without making a connection first. Encourage them to leave their details with smart calls to action. 

Make these CTAs subtle but effective by:

  • Highlighting the benefits of subscribing for updates, such as listing updates

  • Designing strategic graphics and layouts that lead the viewer’s attention to a contact form. 

  • Offering freebies, such as an eBook, or access to exclusive pocket listings

Make sure your users have multiple opportunities to get in touch with you. Your contact information should be prominent on every page of the website. Provide links to your social media accounts to encourage conversations. You can even supplement your income by combining your lead gen funnel with another real estate affiliate program to diversify your income.

Featured Listings

Searching for the best homes takes time and effort, especially for buyers who are looking in a new neighborhood. 

Make searching for properties engaging by putting your best deals and recommendations on dedicated pages on your site. Featured listing pages work well if you specialize in particular types of property too. 

Perhaps you want to showcase the best luxury estates, highlight up-and-coming development, or acreage properties for sale. You can build hot sheets that shine a light on your most high-profile listings. Use customized layouts to summarize and make the important information quick to find. 

Search Tools

Most, if not all, of the visitors to your real estate website, will be heading there to look for their ideal real estate buying or selling opportunities. This is why search tools always rank so highly on the features that are indispensable for a real estate website. 

Remember that real estate customers will be more experienced and savvy than others, while there will always be some people who have no real idea of how to even get started. Placing different search tools in your website will allow you to help and appeal to this wide variety of users, improving your chances of gaining good leads and potential leads for your real estate business.