How To Cope When You’re Worried About Your Health

You feel that tight, sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, you being to feel your chest tighten slightly, you can feel yourself panicking. Worrying about your health is never a nice feeling; it can cause you to feel totally and completely vulnerable and can lead to health anxiety.

It’s awful being worried about your health because it’s something that is totally and completely out of your control. Even though you are in control of your body in many ways, you aren’t in control of your overall health, and that is a totally scary concept. You might be able to control certain aspects of your health, but there are many factors that you have absolutely no control over.

If you’ve started to notice your body doing strange things, then you may be worrying about your health. What it’s important to remember when it comes to personal health is that often symptoms can be concerning, but most of the time they turn out to be nothing to worry about. Of course, that doesn’t always make coping with the concern about your health any easier, does it?


Bearing that in mind, below are some tips and suggestions for ways that you can cope when you’re worried about your health.

Don’t use ‘Dr. Google’

A commonly made mistake in 2018 is Googling symptoms and getting a wide range of results from the infamous ‘Dr. Google’. The fact is that you could Google the symptoms of the common cold and see search engine results that mention diseases like cancer, which is what makes Googling your symptoms such a bad idea.

A wise doctor once said that you could have a stomach ache and it could be anything from an upset stomach to stomach cancer, but the internet would always give you the worse diagnosis, despite your symptoms matching many different conditions, not just the bad ones, as such. So the long and the short of it is, if you use Google to search your symptoms, then you will end up being more worried than you were before.

Seek professional help

One of the most important thing that you can do when you have worrying symptoms is not put off seeing the doctor. The fact is that if you put off seeing the doctor, you will only spend more time worrying about your health, so it’s best to make an appointment as soon as possible to see a doctor at a medical diagnosis center, so that you can find out what’s going on as quickly as possible.

The idea of confronting a doctor with your symptoms might seem daunting, but the truth is that the sooner you find out what’s going on, the better. If you’re feeling nervous about talking to the doctor about what’s going on, tell them that. You will find that most doctors will go out of their way to ensure that their patients feel comfortable and safe.

Try not to dwell

While waiting for the results of any medical tests, it’s far too easy to fall into a state of anxiety and depression. That’s why it’s so essential that you don’t dwell on the situation that you’ve found yourself in, instead it’s important that you try to focus on something else. Obviously, when you are nervously awaiting the results of some tests, it’s easy to get yourself into a state of serious anxiety. However, it’s important to regain a sense of perspective and try to be positive about the situation.

If your test results do show bad news, then although that’s upsetting, what you need to think is that at least you can get the help and treatment that you need, and will have hopefully caught whatever it is early. What you have to remember is that if something is wrong, nothing you do will change it, and not seeing the doctor wouldn’t have made it go away, it would only have made it worse. So by choosing to go for a medical checkup, you’ve made the more responsible choice possible.

When you’re worried about your health, every day can feel like a struggle. It’s far too easy to fall into a dark place when it comes your health and concerns about it, which is why it’s so essential that you understand how to cope when you’re worried about your health. While it’s not always easy knowing how to manage when you’re anxious about your health and wellness, it’s important to remember that there are things that you can do to make coping easier - the tips and advice above should help to do that.