Getting the Most Out of Your NYC Property- A Guide

NYC properties are notoriously small, but that doesn’t mean you cannot do big things with them. With the right design elements, you can transform a one-bedroom property into a spacious, multi-functional space. With the right approach, you can do so without your storage spaces heaving under their own weight or clutter building up in the corners.

There are ways to get the most from a small space, and this guide will help you learn all about them:

Maximize Storage Opportunities

When you first move in, your first priority should be about storage, storage, storage. If home improvements are a responsibility that rests on your shoulder, then immediately get people in to install custom storage solutions that allow you to take advantage of all nooks and crannies from floor to ceiling. If not, give your landlord the plans and work to convince them that this is a great investment for the future of their property.

Think Vertically

As for design, think vertically. By keeping your floor space relatively clear of clutter and other items, you can make it easier to breathe in the space. You need to be able to walk and lounge in as much of the space as possible, which means using your walls as your primary means of storage and design. Instead of statues or floor lamps, hang art and lights from the ceiling. It will drag the eye up, make it feel bigger, and give you more space to live in.

Invest in a Storage Unit

NYC living means living small, even if you can splash out for not just a one-bedroom, but a two-bedroom or bigger apartment. Simply put, some clutter is annoying to deal with. Christmas decorations, sports equipment, your seasonal wardrobes – anything that is only used during one season of the year is going to crowd your closets for the rest. Thankfully, with StorageArea storage units, you can easily find a nearby option that is affordable and perfectly suited to keep your seasonal belongings safe and secure, without crowding out your home.

Choose Small-Home Design and Multipurpose Items

When you do get something new, it should solve more than one problem. Instead of a toaster, for example, get a toaster oven that can do more than just burn the sides of bread. When you can, try to find furniture and other items for your home that are designed specifically for small spaces. A table that can be lifted up and converts into a shelf, for example, is a great way to maximize the space and function even in a studio.

Know Your Home’s Limits

Your home, no matter how smart or clever it is designed, will have limits. If you are a book worm through and through, for example, you won’t be able to keep buying books to bring home. Instead, find alternatives. You can borrow books from your local library if you enjoy the physical product, or switch to eBooks entirely. This is just one example, but everyone is going to have something they love to have and hold in their hands, and they will have to limit themselves. To do this instead of thinking more, think about how you can improve your hobbies or belongings instead.