Factors Influencing Metal Roofing Prices

Metal roofing is a major subject in the diary of a construction contractor. The roofing system has evolved over the past decade with an exponential increase in the use of metal roofing systems.

The major reasons behind this development are the durability, strength, and easy metal roofing installation process. With its increasing dominance, one cannot rule out the success of metal roof systems in the near future.

What Factors Influence Metal Roofing Estimates and Prices?

Contractors have often questioned the pricing criteria of metal roofs. They face difficulty in comprehending the massive fluctuation in metal roofing prices.

We will elaborate on the complete pricing manual and showcase to our readers how the pricing of metal roofs varies. The below-listed factors play an important role in determining the metal roofing prices.

Type of Material

The first and foremost factor influencing the price of metal roofs is the type of metal used to manufacture roofing systems. Metal roofing can be steel, stainless steel, tin, aluminum, copper, and zinc.

Each of these unique roofing materials has its pros and cons. For instance, aluminum is a good metal and can withstand heavy loads. Furthermore, they have variable prices as per their features. Thus, the metal roofing manufactured by using aluminum is costly compared to steel.

It is also essential to mention that these roofs come in standard length panels, and one can make a roof of any size by joining together a different number of standard panels. Moreover, panels of different sizes are also available in the market.

A standard panel is often called a "sheet" in layman's language. Let us look at the following table, which comprises price fluctuation of metal roofing as per the different available materials.

The above table showcases that the cost of metal roofing changes abruptly with the use of a different type of material. Each material exhibits different properties as compared to the others. For instance, copper is the most durable, and therefore, it has the highest cost.

Protective Coating

The major disadvantage of using a metal roof is that some metals are vulnerable to rusting. Rusting is deadly for metal because it reduces the strength of the metal structure. The worst-case scenario can be that the metal roofing may collapse. Therefore, the prevention of rusting is of paramount importance while implementing the construction of metal roofs.

It is also important to mention that not every metal requires a protective coating to prevent rusting. For instance, aluminum does not need any protective coating since it does not rust. However, the metals like steel and tin may rust over time.

Therefore, these metals require a coating on their top surface to secure them. This coating adds up to the roofing cost, and thus, different metal roofing systems have different prices.


Last but not least, the installation process of all types of metal roofing systems is not the same. Some roofing systems require less labor and supporting material. Therefore, it also plays a major governing factor in metal roofing costs.

On the other hand, some may require experienced labor and more supporting material. Hence, the price of metal roofing is affected in this way.