Essential Items Every Yoga Practitioner Should Have

Yoga is one of the most popular health and fitness activities in the world. Since it was first exported from India, yoga has become a global phenomenon and there are now tens of millions of people all over the world who practice on a daily basis. Yoga has enormous benefits for every aspect of your physical and mental health, and can also help to seriously improve your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In order to make the most out of every yoga session, it is important that you have all the right gear so that you can practice in comfort and safety.

To help you maximize every second on the mat, here are the essential items every yoga practitioner should have.

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1. A Great Yoga Mat

Yoga is great because it actually requires very little equipment but one thing you will definitely need is a quality yoga mat. The enthusiasts at explain that your mat is vital to keep you supported and stable while you are doing your practice. There are many different mats available with various materials, designs, and thicknesses. Many people prefer to have a thicker mat as it provides more protection and you are less likely to slip during your poses. May yoga studios have their own mats for students to use but you may still want to buy your own for hygiene reasons and for practicing at home. 

2. A Yoga Mat Bag

Yoga mats are not heavy but they can be awkward and unwieldy to carry around before and after class so it is worth buying a yoga mat bag. These are the long cylindrical bags with a strap that look a little like a larger version of the tubes in which artists and architects carry their work. Some people choose not to use a bag at all but instead to just buy a sling to attach to their rolled-up mat. Just make sure that whatever you buy has a comfortable shoulder strap and it will do the job just fine.

3. Comfortables Clothes

Wearing the right clothes for yoga is very important because you need to be able to stretch and move without restriction. Many people just wear standard workout clothes or you can purchase special leggings which are super stretchy and look great. Most people practice yoga barefoot so you don’t need to wear any socks or shoes. While most yoga studios do not enforce any kind of dress code, it is usually best not to wear anything too skimpy or revealing. 

Short, loose shorts or tops which fall down during upside-down poses may cause you to flash your instructor or the other students when they are trying to focus. As yoga can get very hot, look for materials that will absorb your sweat so that you are comfortable during your practice.

4. A Towel

Yoga can be a very intense workout and you may find yourself sweating a lot. Not only can this make you uncomfortable, but it can also make your mat very slippery. A slippery mat can be dangerous so you should always bring a towel to yoga practice with you. The last thing you want is to slide and lose your balance when you are doing a headstand or a crow because it could result in a serious injury.

5. Extra Gear

There are various extra pieces of equipment that you may need depending on what kind of yoga you are doing. Often the yoga studio will provide these, but if you are practicing at home, it is worth buying yourself a blanket, a block, and a strap to help you do those difficult poses. A block helps to provide support when you haven’t built enough space yet to touch the ground in certain poses. It can also help you to develop your balance by performing poses on top of the block. 

Straps enable you to add resistance to a stretch and also to grab your foot or leg when you can’t yet reach them with your hand. Blankets can make your mat more comfortable during seated and lying postures and are also perfect for drifting into savasana.


Preparing for a yoga class is easy once you have all the right gear. Make sure that you have a great yoga mat and comfortable clothes, and you will already be halfway there. Extra props like a brick and a strap can help you to hit those tricky poses, while a towel and a water bottle are essential for when the session gets intense. Follow this guide and you will have everything you need to make the most out of your time on the mat.