Enhancing Sleep Quality: Simple Solutions For Restless Nights

Sleep is essential for optimum physical and mental health. A lack of sleep can affect your mood, your energy levels and your performance at work, and it can also make you more susceptible to illnesses and infections. If you’re struggling to sleep, here are some simple solutions to put pay to restless nights.

Creating the right environment

Your sleeping environment has a significant influence on sleep quality. Ideally, your bedroom should be a peaceful haven, which helps you to feel relaxed and calm. If you’re not sleeping, take a look around you. Is your room quiet and dark? Is your bed comfortable and inviting? Is the temperature right? Do you feel at ease when you walk through the door? There are several steps you can take if your bedroom isn’t quite the restful retreat you crave. These include adding soft furnishings, dimming the lights, using blackout curtains or blinds and choosing soothing colors for the walls. Examples include neutrals, pastels and shades of blue, green and purple. Using candles, diffusers and sleep sprays like those available from CBD Performance can help to induce calm and promote serenity. It’s also beneficial to avoid using your phone or a tablet in the bedroom. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary devoted to rest, relaxation and recovery.

Getting into a routine

We tend to think about children when we discuss sleep routines but adults can also benefit from adopting a regime in the evenings. If you usually fall asleep in front of the TV, or your bedtime varies from 10 o’clock one day to the early hours of the evening the next, it’s wise to get into a routine. Set your alarm for the same time each morning and go to bed at a similar time every night. This will encourage your body clock to adjust. You should find that you start feeling tired as your bedtime approaches and that you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. Spend your evenings doing activities that make you feel relaxed. From watching TV and reading a book to listening to music, take time to unwind. Avoid anything that makes you feel stressed or increases your energy levels, for example, checking emails or scrolling through social media. 

Exercising regularly

Regular exercise is associated with boosting heart health, increasing strength and stamina and improving fitness but it can also have incredible benefits for mental wellbeing. Physical activity tires the body out but it also helps to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety, which can help you sleep better. Aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, and try to incorporate active pursuits into your daily routine. You can try anything from walking, jogging, playing golf and swimming to dance classes, hiking, cycling and climbing. 

Do you find it difficult to sleep? Do you feel tired or lethargic all the time? If so, why not try these solutions? Create a peaceful, calming sleeping environment, get into a routine and try to increase your activity levels. If problems persist, or a lack of sleep is affecting your mental or physical wellbeing, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.