Effortless Ways To Effectively Lose Fat And Achieve Your Weight Goal

Weight reduction takes less effort if you stick to a diet plan and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You’ll want to follow a balanced diet plan that changes your unhealthy eating habits and satisfies your cravings at the same time so that you don’t end up quitting, rather than going on an extreme starvation diet that burns 6 pounds a week but might lead you to gain all the weight back when you return to your regular eating habits. 

That being said, you need to stay away from restrictive diets and low-calorie meal plans. If you can’t find the right diet that will boost your weight loss efforts, this article explains the main ways by which you can effortlessly burn fat and reach your goal weight.

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Eat Nutrient-Dense Food

The foundation of any person's diet should be nutrient-dense food that comprises a variety of vitamins, protein, and carbs. When you put your meal plans together, make sure your dishes or meals are made up of 50% vegetables and fruits, 25% protein, and 25% whole grains. Ensuring that your food has evenly dispersed nutrients will not just help you get rid of fat, but also strengthen your immune system and eliminate your chances of getting heart disease. 

After age 30, metabolism tends to slow down so you can consider taking supplements to boost metabolism and recover energy fast. Sean Newton, a Health And Fitness Writer provided a list of ingredients included in such a ‘reds’ type supplement if you're interested in learning more.

You should aim to reduce your saturated fats and avoid trans fats completely. While you should not eliminate foods from your diet entirely to avoid nutritional deficiency, some foods are considered unnecessary and are only harmful to the body such as sugar and trans fats. You should also aim to keep your fiber intake at 25 to 30 grams to stay full and avoid unnecessary snacking.

Reduce Your Intake of Refined Carbs

As mentioned previously, sugar is far more harmful than many people think and leads to weight gain and obesity. A quick way to lose weight is to stop consuming sugars, carbs, and starches. While cutting back on carbs completely is not ideal, you can stick to a low-carb diet that eliminates sugars to stay in shape. You can also replace refined carbs with whole grains to make your diet healthier and include fiber in your nutritional intake. Cutting back on sugars and refined carbs lets you curb your hunger and control the number of calories you eat per day.

Avoid Liquid Calories

The problem with drinking juices, teas, and other sweetened beverages is that you can end consuming hundreds of calories without even noticing.

 Nutritionists at Fintys define empty calories as those that come from drinks that only give you energy while providing no nutritional value. Simply put, these drinks make you gain weight without feeling full after consumption, no matter how high they are in calories. So, unless you’re replacing a meal with a fresh and highly nutritious smoothie, you should not be drinking sweetened juices, coffees, or alcohol. When it comes to reaching your goal weight, water is your best friend. 

Move More Often

Sure, exercise helps speed up shedding the extra weight in your body. Moving more often is not a must but if you do so, you’ll gain lean muscles that tone your body and make you look healthier especially if you lift weights, where you’ll be burning more calories and maintaining a steady metabolism rate. Most people suffer from a decreased metabolism after shedding a few pounds off, they usually end up hitting what is called a weight loss plateau. 

You can go to the gym three to four times a week to prevent that and keep your metabolism running. You can also try doing some cardio exercises like running and jumping jacks to keep your heart rate healthy and burn off some extra calories.


Control Servings And Food Portions

It’s important to control your food portions and know exactly how much your ideal food serving size is as overeating any type of food can lead to weight gain. Try monitoring your food portions by comparing the meal’s size to golf balls and tennis balls to make it easier when you’re not at home. For example, half a cup is as big as a tennis ball, while a full cup is as big as a baseball. A teaspoon can also be compared to playing dice in case you’re trying to monitor your sugar intake.

Most people find it difficult to stick to a diet, usually due to the extreme restrictions and hard-to-follow requirements. To successfully reach your desired weight, all you need to do is to reduce your sugar intake and include all food varieties in your diet to consume the recommended doses of nutrients. You should also drink water more often to stay hydrated and boost your metabolism.