4 Things You Can Learn From Survival TV Shows

If you are an ardent fan of binge-watching, then it's time you made some arrangements to start watching reality TV shows. Reality shows are somewhat practical and they provide viewers with exceptionally expenseful moments. Hey, did you get a chance to watch the last season of the Survivor series? If not, then you missed out on quite a lot. Not to worry though, there’s a long list of similar shows in stock and upcoming. There’s a lot to gain from such shows and it's for this reason that we’ve prepared this piece on four things you can learn from survival TV shows.


1. Survival Kits Are A Must-have! 

There's a good reason why they are called survival shows. To survive in the wild or whatever demanding environment or situation, you need a survival kit. Scott, an outdoor enthusiast from BestSurvival.org says that investing in just the right tools, gear, and other survival paraphernalia will help to push you to your limits. This is the only way you can achieve the experience you've for so long been desiring to have. Below are survival items you might want to include in your checklist. They include: 

  • An efficient fire starter

  • Map and compass

  • First aid kit

  • A Survival whistle

  • Water filtration equipment

  • A solar-powered flashlight

  • The right layers

Your preparedness will also be an important consideration to factor in if you are to survive tough terrains and harsh weather conditions. It's for this reason that you need to be physically fit before embarking on an outdoor adventure. Also, having prior knowledge of your location will help you with navigation. There's a good reason why they invented compasses and made maps. A GPS locator could help you get by with much ease. 

2. You Must Be Resourceful

This is a no brainer! To survive with limited supplies in the wilderness requires your resourcefulness. You just have to make do with what you have and create solutions as you go. If you've been a keen follower of survival shows, contestants will at times be forced to fend for themselves in terms of food and other resources. 

Water is also an issue because come to think about it, there’s not plenty of it out there in the wild, not unless it rains or you find yourself near a riverbank. Your resourcefulness and limiting the use of the available resources will help to get you by. This requires that you train your mind and your body systems to be tolerant. 


3. Getting Through the Day is No Shear Luck! 

There will be challenges to be faced and this might present obstacles that can at times seem overwhelming. Ever been to a boot camp? Well, at least you get the picture. Quitting is no option when you are by yourself in the wild. As earlier mentioned, you must train your mind to persevere through the worst. The elements will not be in your favor and by this, you have to come up with strategies to survive

There'll be times when you'll be cranky, exhausted, and a few times when you'll just be lucky. The sooner you get this into your system, the better it will be for you and to those around you. It can get eerie-lonely at times, frustration might kick in hard, and solving your daily problems can cost you a lot of energy. You just have got to keep pushing yourself to also get to know your limits. So, if at first, you don't succeed, keep on trying, you'll get there! 

4. Adapting is the Keyword!

This is one of the most valuable lessons you can learn from survival shows. By all means, you must learn to adapt to your surroundings or the people close to you. Being out in the wild is no time to be fussy! This is where the virtue of flexibility comes in handy. Your experiences in the wild, achievements, and success will so much be dependent on what you are willing to take in or handle. In most cases, it's not about your wits, but your willingness to take things as they come.

The above are reasons to keep you glued to your TV. But more so, to help you learn one or two things about how to survive in the wild. It's not as easy as it might sound, but you now have a clear picture. Additionally, having realistic expectations will also help you to get by. At the end of the day, you don't want to end up disappointed.