What Impresses A Real Estate Buyer?

What really gives someone a good impression of your property? What’ll make them want to offer the asking price, sign on the dotted line, and move in as quickly as possible? Let’s go through a few of the best signs a potential buyer can spot when they tour your home.

Meet Them Face to Face

If you want to sell your house and sell it fast, this’ll put you one step in front of everyone else on the market immediately. If you’re the one showing prospective buyers around the property, you’re going to impress from the moment you open the door. You clearly care about the process, you’re involved on a personal level, and you’re going to know more about the house than anyone else. Who else would a buyer prefer to ask?!

Do Not Neglect Curb Appeal

The ‘curb’ of your home is the first thing anytone is going to see, both online and in real life. If you’ve spent a lot of time refining the interior to look its best, you’ll need to spare a thought for the exterior as well. At the very least, ensure it looks clean and tidy. Trim back overgrown grass and hedges, make sure mud tracks have been washed away, and sprinkle a little fresh gravel on the ground in case of dusty patches. 

Curate an Atmosphere

If your property has an atmosphere to it, it becomes a welcoming, inviting space. Think about this before you set up an open house or show anyone round on a tour. Start with the temperature; make sure the rooms are comfortably warm but not stifling. 

Then think about the smell and sound of the air. You can use candles or plug in air fresheners for the former, and a stereo system for the latter. Make sure the music you put on isn’t ‘in your face’, and helps the property to feel more homely and relaxing. You want a buyer to imagine themselves living there, and that means putting the thought into their head outright! 

Answer Questions Honestly

You’re going to be asked questions about the condition of the property. You need to answer these questions as honestly as possible; if you’re cagey about the answers, or take a while to think on the spot, it could very easily put someone off. You want to set buyers at ease. 

Look up commonly asked house tour questions and practice the answers you want to give. You can also ask your agent about how to frame your responses in the best light, and ask their opinion on how much detail to give. The more you’re prepared for the tour, the more charismatic you’re going to come off, and you won’t be caught off guard. 

Real estate buyers are going to have their own quirks and interests. But if you have a general idea of what impresses someone enough to put down money to buy a house, you’ll be flying off the market in no time.