Turning On Your Outfit's Charm For Date Night

The best way to approach fashion is to make sure that you’re dressing for the occasion. Dressing for a date has requirements just as specific as dressing for work, for a formal occasion, for a golf weekend, or anything else. Here, we’re going to look at some of the boxes you should be ticking if you want to make sure that you’re stirking the right confident, charming, and alluring figure for date night.

Think about where you’re going

First of all, keep in mind the location of the date and make sure that you’re dressed appropriately for it. If you’re heading out for a nice dinner in an up-town restaurant, then showing up in a well accessorized suit should make sure that you look just as fancy and well-put-together as your surroundings. If you’re going out for something more casual, then make sure that your clothes match that vibe. A light sweater and jacket combo can work well to enhance your posture when you’re out for a more casual date.

Don’t leave your wrist naked

There’s an old saying: the first things a woman will notice about you are your watch and your shoes. Whether that’s true or not is up for debate, but there’s no denying that a nice hunk of metal on the wrist can draw attention and help craft an image for you. Sites like WatchBox can help you find the watches that communicate the class, prestige, and even an idea of your income, even if the rest of your outfit is more on the casual side. If that’s what you want, you can’t skip the watch.

Consider breaking out a new pair of shoes

Of course, the second part of the saying as mentioned above is that they also look at your shoes. Shoes play the same kind of role as watches, in that they can denote class, style, and, to be honest, some aesthetic common sense. You don’t need to spend a ton on shoes. Well-made leather dinner shoes are going to look much the same. You should just make sure that you use sites like ShoeZone to find the right shoes for the environment and occasion.

Keep  it simple

A date is not your opportunity to go over the top with wild patterns of garish designs. You want to keep things relatively simple. Similarly, even for casual dates, you don’t want logos to factor too much into your outfit, nor graphic tees. You can add a little color to things, but it’s best to do that through accessories, such as a scarf, some cufflinks, your socks, or even a pocket square for your suit if you’re heading out somewhere formal. The details are where you can express a little more of your personality, not the garments themselves.

The location and the vibe of the date are going to dictate the precise details of what you should be wearing when you go out with someone. However, the tips above can help you step in the right direction.