Title: Is the ROI Worth Installing a Hot Tub on My Property?

A swimming pool may have been the pinnacle of summertime entertainment as a kid, but now that you’re a homeowner, a hot tub sounds so much better! Who wouldn’t want to kick back and relax after a hard day in their own private hot tub? Well, before you make arrangements to have one of those bad boys installed on your property, you might want to do a little homework first.

According to top rated real estate agents, there are two key factors you should be mindful of when considering installing a hot tub. 

In-ground or freestanding?

There’s two kinds of hot tubs on the market - an above ground unit (aka freestanding) and an in-ground unit. If you were to opt for an above ground hot tub, you’d spend somewhere between $3,000 to $10,000. An in-ground hot tub is going to be significantly more, ranging between $8,000 to $25,000. 

An above ground hot tub is a good idea for people that want to be able to enjoy a hot tub but don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to do so. What’s cool about an above ground unit is that you can buy them second hand at a lower price. The thing about an above ground hot tub is that an appraiser isn’t going to count it as being part of the home - it’ll be listed as personal property. 

Now with an in-ground hot tub, that can add value to your property but not in the way that you’d assume it would. Although an in-ground hot tub will be considered a permanent fixture, the appraiser is more likely to factor the landscaping and hardscaping into the value of your property. 

Note: Above ground hot tubs can be turned into a permanent feature of your property if you build a deck around it. Although if you decide to go that route, make sure that you get in touch with your local code enforcement office so that your project is up to code.

Do people want to buy properties with hot tubs?

It’s nice to think that whatever improvements we make to our property will be as appreciated by the new owner once it sells. Unfortunately that’s not the case. Sometimes people purchase houses for the location or the “bones” of the structure and gut everything else. 

The point is, if you want to make sure your property sells, you’ll want to see if people in the area are even interested in properties with hot tubs. You can find this out by consulting with a realtor and asking their advice. Granted, their advice shouldn’t be the determining factor in whether or not you install a hot tub. It’s just good to have an expert’s opinion.

According to the owner of Precision Landscaping, "Hot tubs are great addition to any property, but remember, the value it adds is only worth it if the new owner sees its worth too." 

Are hot tubs worth the investment?

It’s time to answer the million dollar question, “Is it worth your time and money to install a hot tub on your property if you’re going to plan on selling soon?” 

The answer is solely dependent on why you want to have one. Do you intend to install the hot tub and use it on a regular basis, then yes, of course get your hot tub and live your best life! However if you are doing it solely to increase property value… Then you might want to reconsider because there are much better ways to add value. For example, instead of a hot tub, consider going all out and building an outdoor grilling area that’s perfect for the grill master in your family. If you are interested in a hot tub, check out the hot tub and spa selection guide for a better understanding.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s right for you. Hot tubs may be in high demand in your area, but if you aren’t going to get a lot of use out of it, you’re just throwing money down the drain. There are plenty of other ways you can increase your property value and if you need help or advice, you can always reach out to a realtor for advice!