The Causes Rusty Water and Ways to Remove Them

Water must be a clear liquid. So why is it that in some houses, tap water becomes yellow, brown, or red stains on plumbing fixtures and toilets? Often, the culprit for this issue is the rust accumulated in the tap water. 

Have you ever noticed that your water does not seem okay when you wash your hands or take a shower? You have noticed that the water has a brown or rusty color and has a foul odor. Tell-tell warning signs go up in your head, and consider that you should address the problem immediately. Rust-colored water may be due to several reasons, and they are listed below. Today we will discuss rust in water and the ways to remove them. 

Debris Build up

Coated pipes get worse over time, and the rust homogenizes with other substances in the pipes. When it happens, the excess sediment remains at the bottom of the pipes. When the pressure arises, rusty water leads to its release. 

Corroded Pipes

The water system in most homes was installed many years ago. It was when galvanized pipes were still popular. These pipes have about 50 years of lifespan and are near expiring. Rusty pipes are one of the most common signs that your pipes will break down, and galvanized pipes may cause lead contamination.

Allowing old corroded pipes to continue functioning poses significant risks, including frequent leaks, water damage, and the potential for a catastrophic failure that could result in extensive home damage. So that said, you do need to prioritize replacing old and damaged pipes.

But contractors are also sensitive to the fact that repiping is incredibly expensive. It can cost $15,000-$30,000 to repipe a whole house, since you’ll need to open up walls and floors. Replacing just 1-2 pipes may only cost $3K-$5K, and the invasiveness will depend on the placement of the pipe. Local plumbing contractors will use advanced tools, along with the placement of leaks, to try and identify the pipes that need to be replaced.


Constructions and maintenance work on water pipes typically move the sediment stock on the bottom of pipes. The suspended particles run to your faucets making the water have a brown color. Such water remains to have a rusty color until it sets that usually needs time.

Bad Weather Conditions

Inclement weather conditions can also add to the rustiness of the water by accumulating residue in the deposited water. Floods and storms cause the water to move to create colored water. The main pipes absorb the colored water. Such water takes a long time to empty to allow sediments to set at the bottom during treatment before you can use it. 

What could be the possible effects of rust in water? 

  • Discolored water. Rust can make your water orange, red, brown, or yellow. Also, you might see pieces of rust in your water. Of course, you do not want that thing to happen. 

  • Stains on your plumbing installations. When you notice discolored water, it can cause stains in your plumbing installations, such as toilet tanks, toilet bowls, and sinks. Moreover, washing your clothes with rust water can stain your clothes. 

  • Odd water taste. Homeowners frequently report they taste metallic in their water. It is because of rust in the water. 

How to get rid of Rusty Water

Typically, rusty water due to internal corrosion in your plumbing system will get cleaned after running the water for some minutes. The best way to remove the rusty water is to replace the pipes with plastic or copper pipes. Change the whole pipe system to guarantee that there will be no traces of rust on your drinking water. 

Another excellent way to remove rust in water is by employing a water softener. Put a water softener with salt in your water. It removes ruts and other elements that are difficult to eliminate through filtration. 

You can also mix an enhancement product with a water softener. For best outcomes, add the brine to the rust remover and enhancement product well. The product eliminates rust and iron stored in the regeneration process of the water softener. 

Rusty water can cause more critical problems, such as water leaks and low water pressure. 

The significant causes of brown water are that the water sources have a higher iron content and old water main pipeline. If the water gets polluted due to some reasons, such as disturbed main water pipeline during construction, it might take time to clear off the pipe. Also, if it is due to inclement weather, it needs time to clear off the pipes. 

The best way to solve the problem of rusty water is filtration, which filtrates the water that has too much iron in it. They design filtration to filter the water and use it to strain the iron and other contaminants, such as manganese which causes the brown color in the water. 

Lex’s Plumbing, Your Plumbing Partner! 

To find the source of rust, you will need help from a professional. You want the best for your homes. If your home requires re-piping; then, you only want to receive the best plumbing company to handle such a big task. For expert plumbing services in McKinney, TX, and surrounding cities, call Lex's Plumbing today! With our years in the plumbing industry, we are confident in providing you with quality services that your family and home deserve. Together with our professional plumbers, plumbing projects are no big deal. Trust only the experts. Give us a call today!