The Freshman Experience: What to Expect and How to Thrive

Entering university is an event that many of us look forward to, and undoubtedly, we will remember it forever. Independence and freedom, new acquaintances, the opportunity to prove oneself - all this cannot but excite us. However, each life stage implies some challenges, which is why it is so useful to know what waits ahead. 

Below, there are tips for freshmen from seniors who have already stepped on every possible rake. Take advantage of their tips to guarantee yourself a brilliant experience!

Freedom Goes Hand In Hand With Great Responsibility

The main thing that a freshman needs to realize is that no one will control their academic performance. And since the load will be quite high, it’s best to find a reliable assistant. Thanks to professional term paper writing services, you will manage it all, from homework and extracurricular activities to household chores and meeting new people. Outsourcing is surely a magic wand for each freshman. 

The educational process is very different from what many are used to in school. On the one hand, it's cool because there is an opportunity to choose which subjects to focus on. On the other hand, one has to develop self-discipline and time management to keep up with the program. Perhaps the best advice is to make quality notes. So you remember the information at once and you will be ready to write a test at any time. 

Plus, teachers always pay attention to diligent students, and a positive reputation is important to you in the long run. Who knows, perhaps this teacher will become your mentor and guide you not only in the educational field, but also in the professional one?

Adaptation Requires Mental Resources

New people, new environments and large flows of information - all of it may seem very confusing at first. So how can you avoid anxiety and unexpected problems?

  • The faster you explore the schedule and learn how to navigate university buildings, the better. At first, it makes sense to move around with your classmates. Don’t be afraid to ask the guard or professor for directions - most will treat your problem with understanding and tell you where to go next;

  • Record your lectures. Notes on important and complex subjects will help you master the material. It is not necessary to organize your notes perfectly. Some fix their own thoughts on the topic, while others indicate the main terms and concepts;

  • Find students who are friendly and open-minded. It's always great to have someone you can rely on. You will ask each other for advice, share valuable presentations and organize study sessions.

Extracurricular Activities Do Matter

Most people enter college because of priceless knowledge and expertise. But if you have enough energy, why not be active in student communities? 

First, it develops leadership skills and makes your character stronger. Second, it will be a useful addition to your resume since employers always appreciate proactive employees. Third, you will have a great time. Sports and dance sections, arts, or debate clubs - everyone can find something to their liking.

Find out all the available options in the student council or on the university website. If there are no suitable activities, then suggest your own initiative! Create a poetry club, IT courses for app developers, or a storytelling group. But at the same time, don’t overload yourself with obligations. A freshman needs time to get used to student life, after all.

The Earlier You Become Financially Literate, The Better

Many students are forced to save and plan their personal budgets to the smallest detail. Here are a couple of tips on how to do it: 

  • Eat at home. By that, we don’t mean that you have to create culinary delights. Salads, fish, and meat are easy to cook and are relatively inexpensive. Most importantly, you will feel full. In any case, it will turn out cheaper and healthier than eating in cafes and restaurants;

  • Buy the most basic stationery. Bright and original notebooks, pens, etc. are quite expensive. As for the textbooks, purchase them second-hand or buy e-books;

  • Living in a dorm instead of a rented apartment will save a lot of money;

  • A part-time job can be a good source of income.

You Will Probably Find Friends For Life

University life is exciting and scary at the same time. The students gain freedom, but also find themselves in a new environment full of strangers. Making new friends is only possible through conscious effort. Take a deep breath and get out of your comfort zone. 

Come to class before lessons begin. If you arrive ten minutes early, you will have a chance to talk to someone. Of course, starting a conversation with strangers is not always easy, but small talk always saves the day. Say something like “What do you think of yesterday’s test?” or “I heard this teacher likes to ask questions. I'm so worried!"

Next, don't wait for others to invite you somewhere. Take the initiative and offer groupmates to go out for a cup of coffee, or a workout at the gym. Don’t think that it will make you look weird or lonely. Groupmates are now in the same situation as you, and they also want to communicate.

The next important step is to go to various events. It is impossible to make friends if you sit in your room all the time. So get dressed, take a deep breath and go to a dance rehearsal, stand-up concert, or college fair. 

To Wrap It Up

Here is the key idea that unites all of the above situations. It is essential to be open and willing to change your habits. Let go of prejudice: this will make it easier for you to adapt and become more flexible.

Also, be yourself. Yes, it sounds trite and everyone has heard this phrase millions of times. Many try to fit in with other people's views and that’s why they hide many parts of their personalities. But fake friendship will not lead to anything good. A long-term bond is always based on sincerity.

Be kind to yourself and focus on your virtues. This will help you both in finding a common language with teachers and making real friends.