The Do's and Don'ts of Diesel Engine Maintenance

Many car and vehicle owners believe that old diesel engines have the capability to drive a million miles. Of course, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Additionally, not everyone will get the mileage they think they will from their diesel engine, and this is often due to neglect. Here are the dos and don'ts of diesel engine maintenance.

Don’t Ignore Oil Maintenance

One of the biggest problems that are associated with diesel engines that lead to failure is when drivers and vehicle owners forget or don’t remember to check and change their oil regularly. It is in general, good practice to change the oil in your car often, but it is much more important to do so with diesel engines. Diesel engines will leak oil more often so it is key to check. If you don't check your oil, you can’t expect your car to run smoothly for long. There are also issues that translate to significant oil loss that include not replacing the o-ring when needed, or not securing the cap with the bolts properly. 

Start Your Car Right After An Oil Change

One of the most important things that you need to remember is to always remember to start the car after you do an oil change. This is fairly common sense for those that work on their own cars, but even if you have your maintenance done at a mechanic, you want to pull the car off to the side and start it, as allowing it to run for a couple of minutes will allow you to check if oil drips from under the car. If there is any dripping, there may be something wrong with the oil filter housing.

You can find various automotive service careers that offer a course on oil changes and other maintenance procedures for diesel engines. This is helpful as if you’re doing the work yourself and you have a good understanding of what needs to be done, then you may save some money in the long run.

Don’t Forget To Maintain Coolant Levels

If you lose or leak coolant, or are running low, and you forget to maintain your coolant levels, and you don’t shut your engine down soon enough, you will overheat it. Checking your coolant levels periodically is essential for maintaining your diesel engine. This is especially dangerous when traveling on the highway at high speeds. One important aspect to check to prevent overheating of your engine is to inspect the belts and hoses that drive the water pump and move the coolant around inside the engine. These ensure that your coolant is traveling through your vehicle properly. With old vehicles that have diesel engines, you don’t necessarily have the electronic indicators on your car that warn you of any potential dangers. If you neglect these signs or indicators or ignore your temperature gauges, you will be susceptible to overheating and engine failure. 

Check Your Hoses

One of the reasons that can lead to engine failure, especially due to loss of engine oil comes from your hoses. This is a problem due to the large volume of oil that travels through the hoses, that if there are any cracks present, loose fittings, or breaks in the line, and a disconnect or problem along the line will result in significant loss of oil. This will translate to quick engine problems. Check for moisture around the hoses as a sign of a leak, and replace hoses roughly every 150,000 miles. Additionally, if you replace any hoses, keep in mind not to purchase aftermarket ones and look for quality ones at Tdot Performance.

Regularly Inspect Your Timing Belt

If your timing belt or chain breaks while your engine is running, particularly at high speeds, you will have multiple risks for failure in your engine. You will risk having pistons impact valves, deterioration, or breaking of your camshaft, leading to vehicle shutdown. Your chain or belt will typically last 150,000 miles, which should be a good time to inspect and change them. You will notice your belt deteriorating by the changes in power and performance from your engine, as it changes the internal timing of the engine itself. If you let it get to the point where it breaks, you will likely need to get a new engine. It may be repaired, but there will be shock associated with the chain failure.


For any vehicle owner, it is important to practice regular maintenance. When it comes to diesel engines, there are some particularly unique practices that you can use to maintain their performance. Keeping these in mind will allow you to provide the solutions to various issues and troubles related to your diesel engine accordingly, and ensure that your car runs smoothly for years.