Staging your house in order to sell

The purpose of dressing your house is to make it more appealing to those who are looking to buy.    If you are seeking to make a quick sale then staging your home may help you to achieve this.  And no need to spend a fortune or win the jackpot with those Casino Coupon codes - staging CAN be done one a budget.

Will staging your home help you to sell it faster?

The idea of staging your home is to attract more people and therefore sell it quicker.  According to The Home Staging Association “85% of respondents say a staged home sells up to three times faster than a non- staged property.”

Whether it sells for more money is a different question, although some experts do suggest that staging can increase the value of a property.

A key point to keep in mind when staging your home.

When staging your home to sell, you are selling prospective buyers a particular lifestyle. Those people coming to view your home will be looking to see if your house is their potential dream home, one that offers them the style and facilities they need to impress their friends and raise happy, successful children.

Showing people that your home can be stylish and comfortable can really help to sell it.

Important Tips when considering staging:

  • When you dress your house, you should have in mind who your potential buyers are. You will need to stage it differently say, for a family than you would for a young professional couple or an older couple.

  • It is useful to do some research before you begin staging.  Look at the many interior design journals available and go online and check some of the websites, like Pinterest and Houzz where you can get lots of ideas for free.   It’s possible to even get staging ideas from a visit to IKEA.

  • Check out other people’s homes, on websites selling homes, which are similar to yours. You can take staging ideas that might appeal to your potential buyer.

  • Visit show homes which have been staged professionally.  You can get great ideas that can be translated into your home for free.

  • Staging can be very expensive.  You want to make a big impact with as little money spent as possible.  Putting in fancy kitchens and bathrooms will cost a lot of money. However,  you can make your home more appealing by using paint, plants, mirrors and good lighting. You can add pillows, rugs and artwork which can all come with you when you sell.

  • Making sure your house is impeccably clean and bright for viewings as will make it more attractive to potential buyers.

How much should you put aside for staging?

Firstly, make sure that you have a budget before you begin because it is easy to get carried away.    Obviously, you should spend no more than you can afford but it is thought that you should not spend more than 1-2% of what you expect your house to sell for.

Should you hire in professional stagers?

These experts in interior design will know how to show your house to appeal to your target buyer.  Make sure you see the plan they have in mind and get a written quote for how much it will cost.    But it doesn’t come cheap and you can do it yourself.  As mentioned before, by using simple things like mirrors and plants but also by using good quality second hand furniture and even borrowing or renting furniture from friends and relatives.

Is it necessary to stage an empty house?

Selling an empty house is not easy.  Buyers find it difficult to visualize what a home can look like if it’s empty so staging it will help you to sell it faster.

Making sure your house has curb-appeal.

Making sure your house looks appealing from the outside is crucial.  If it has no curb appeal, then buyers won’t be interested in stepping inside and so the staging on the inside will be a waste of time.

Make sure that outside the house looks clean and tidy.  A nicely painted door or fence with a few potted plants will make your home look more inviting.  Especially important is to hide the garbage bins if at all possible.

Focus on the garden

Staging the garden will depend very much on the time of year. If it’s summer, you should definitely add some garden furniture, perhaps a barbecue, and outside lighting as well as adding some flowers and plants which will make it feel mor welcoming.   If it’s winter, make sure it is clean and tidy, free from fallen leaves and dirt.

Staging for individual rooms


First, think of who your potential buyer is. Remember you are showcasing a particular lifestyle.   Is it a room that will appeal to cozy family get-togethers and/or a place that is good for entertaining friends? You can add cushions, rugs, artwork, books and magazines or a giant screen TV.


When staging this room, the table should be organized with place settings, flowers and candles to set the scene either for that happy family meal or for a dinner party with friends. If your home does not have a separate dining-room, then set up a table in the kitchen or the living room.


This is probably the most important room in the house with most people spending most of their time there.  It should be clean and tidy and perhaps newly painted.   Investing large sums of money in staging the kitchen is probably not the best way to go but you can dress it with recipe books, herbs and spices, wine racks and a professional coffee maker which will go a long way to making it feel warm and inviting.


The bathroom is also important to buyers so spending some time and money on making the bathroom appealing will not be wasted. It should look clean and fresh and if the fittings are not in a good state, then it is definitely worth replacing them.   Adding other things like plants, and candles together with soft luxurious towels will add to the appeal.


A bedroom needs to look inviting - staging... very important!  Good quality linens, and coordinated curtains, pillows and rugs are important.  Children’s rooms should look bright and airy with good storage available.  Older children will need a desk for doing homework and possibly a TV.

Focusing more on the rooms that sell a house does make more sense.  But you should not ignore other areas as you want to show that your whole house offers the lifestyle that your buyer is looking for and hopefully you will make a quick sale.