Safety Tips For Walkers To Defend Themselves Against Any Dangers

Walking is usually a preferred choice of commuting, especially if you live near your workplace or the place you usually go out.  In addition to this, walking is also a healthy choice of transportation which is why more and more people are doing it. However, walking as part of a commute or recreation is not always the safest option which is why people need to be aware of these safety tips to protect them against any dangers.

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Lose the headphones

Different statistics show that most of the walkers who were in an accident or were otherwise exposed to some kind of danger wore either headphones or earphones. Even though this statistics may seem odd at a first glance, it has a perfectly good explanation behind it. People who walk as the main part of the commute are generally more exposed to different kinds of dangers than people who drive are. Some of these dangers include being robbed on foot, or being hit by a bicycle, or other kinds of vehicle. 

Ultimately, the aforementioned statistics have shown that people who wear headphones are more likely to succumb to these threats because they are far less likely to see the danger coming. In the case of being robbed, criminals do in fact target people who are less likely to spot them coming, which is why they target people who have earphones or headphones. This is why it’s highly advised not to wear them, especially if you’re walking at night. Without the headphones, you are more likely to stay focused and not get distracted, which is ultimately what makes you prone to any kind of danger.

Track your location 

In addition to previous safety tips, it may come as a bit of relief for you to track your location when you're walking or running. This way not only do you track your fitness progress or levels other people will know where you are at every given time I'm doing your walk. Even though this doesn't directly protect you against any danger, it might do a great job of helping someone send an emergency vehicle or an ambulance to your location if you succumb to any of the aforementioned dangers. 

Ultimately having others know your location can save valuable time and even get evidence in case you want to sue someone who has hurt you as a result of negligence or if it was on purpose.  Furthermore,  more cases of people being in a pedestrian accident are recorded every year, which is why having an app to track your location is a very good idea and it can also be used as evidence by your lawyer.  That being said, it is still important to be alert but you should ultimately remember that even though you end up in an accident you can still file your claim with a lawyer of appropriate expertise.

Plan ahead

Another great safety tip that can help walkers protect themselves against many dangers is to plan. An extreme version of this would be to know some kind of martial arts beforehand. Knowing martial arts can keep you safe in any kind of situation, especially against people who want to pickpocket you when you're walking home or anywhere else. There are many resources today on the internet that can show you the basic techniques to protect yourself. In addition to this, you can always take short lessons in your local gym to get you started.

However, a big problem with this is that not everyone can practice martial arts, and even if they care it doesn't protect them from other types of dangers such as vehicles or bicycles and other unforeseen situations. If someone isn't able to learn any martial arts techniques even in self-defense, they may opt to carry a small concealed device such as a pepper spray just in case. Ultimately it's extremely important to remain focused and alert especially if you're walking at night and if you are walking in your city or town where there isn't proper lighting you may wish to wear a fluorescent tag so vehicles could see you better.

Walkers are among the most vulnerable groups in traffic. They don't have a metal framework around them to protect them in case of an accident like car passengers do.  In addition to this Walkers are usually targeted by thieves which is why these safety tips are all the more important.  Ultimately if something happens to a walker they can always press charges through appropriate channels and with lawyers who have enough experience.