Road-related Cases: Useful Legal Tips You Need to Follow

You might not be acquainted with the law, yet when an accident happens, one of the best ways to deal with the situation properly is to know how to act and what steps to take. The majority of people don’t have the slightest clue, and the first 24 hours after the accident has happened are often the most crucial ones. It’s the time when you’re seeking medical help when the police are coming to the scene of the accident. It should be the time when you’re calling your lawyer and explaining everything. Now, we do understand how the initial shock can completely blur your cognitive functions at first, and usually, that’s the reason why you’re not thinking about any of these. But keeping a cool head makes quite the difference and that’s why we’ll discuss some useful legal tips you should have in mind at all times and follow them up if an accident happens. 

Understanding Your Rights 

The first step is to educate yourself on your rights in a road-related accident. Not only your rights but your legal responsibilities and obligations as well. We’re primarily referring to road restrictions and regulations, traffic laws and speed limits, right-of-way rules, and DUI. Knowing all this beforehand allows you to stick to them and avoid making any violations in the first place. Being well-informed can help you immensely and you’ll be able to avoid any impossible lawsuits.

Nevertheless, if something happens, you’ll need to understand that you have the right to seek medical attention, remain silent under interrogation, and call your lawyer. Those are the basics, and whatever the case, you’re protected under the law and you’ll have the chance to avoid imprisonment. Especially in a state of complete shock, people tend to say a bit more than they’re supposed to say and the final result is often that you are charged with something that might have been avoided if you consulted your lawyer first. So, whatever the case, be aware of the power of silence and patience, and wait out the initial shock phase post-accident. 

Document Everything Thoroughly

Keeping track of everything has immense power later on in court or during the negotiations with insurance companies. When we say document everything, we mean everything. If you have footage, medical reports, witness statements, the police report about the accident, the number of the other person, insurance claims, or anything else, you’ll need to safeguard all this. Keep copies of all the relevant paperwork and make sure you’ll have it with you at any given moment. All this accurate and detailed documentation can provide you with the necessary evidence once you’ve established your case and its irrefutable proof. Whatever happens, just try to keep in mind the following: every piece of paper you have is valuable, no matter the content; even though it might seem irrelevant to you and the whole case, your lawyer can make great use of it! 

Consult With a Professional 

This is the part we mentioned many times over and over, consulting with a professional to make sure you don’t make any mistakes. Your attorney is the best choice to call after the accident. The extent of the damage will depend on the accident's severity, your injuries, and the injuries of the other person. It also depends on how the entire situation turns out in the end. So, calling your lawyer is a top priority; they’ll share with you all the necessary details, they’ll make sure to do the negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf, and they’ll be more than happy to help you sort the whole thing out until the end. The thing is, most car accident lawyers have had their fair share of accidents to deal with. They know the drill by heart at any given moment and they’ll be more than happy to implement the same strategies this time as well to make sure you go home without any charges, to assure your compensation, and to protect your rights. With the right lawyer at your side, there is nothing to be afraid of and nothing to be ashamed of. They’ll be your guardian angel and make sure everything ends well. 

Seeking Medical Attention 

We mentioned that it’s important to call your doctor and seek medical help moments after the accident. First, your physical health could be in real danger without you even knowing or being aware of it. Depending on the severity of the injuries you’ve received, you might have internal bleeding, a concussion without you even knowing, internal organ damage, or even a few broken ribs. People tend to ignore these obvious signs as adrenaline is flowing through their veins, making them numb and their senses sharp. But you’ll need to look for medical attention to ensure your injuries don’t have a severe outcome, God forbid. Second, the reason why we’re telling you to look for a doctor is because the medical report you’ll have is irrefutable evidence in court and you’ll need it to prove negligence or liability and to make sure you can claim your insurance money

Communication With Your Insurance Company 

Dealing with insurance companies is a tricky business, and it’s harder than it seems. Yes, it’s your insurance company and your payments have been regular; nevertheless, after an accident, if the damage exceeds a certain expected amount, most insurance companies are looking for ways to downsize the payout and make sure you’ll receive a bit less than expected. It’s a normal tactic often used and it’s nothing new, it’s not even personal, just regular business. 

You’ll need to gather all the evidence you have, you’ll need to go and talk to them with your lawyer, never alone. You can’t accept their initial and first offer, as that’s just a way to test you. 

Car accidents or any road-related accident are a common everyday occurrence for many. We understand how the majority would like for it to never happen and how they’d rather skip it but sometimes life throws at us the unexpected, whether we'll accept it or not. Whatever the case, knowing your rights can immensely help you avoid bigger damage.