Real Estate Maintenance: Why You Should Use Eco-friendly Products To Clean Your Property

It’s important to protect our environment, but not everyone has the knowledge of how to make their homes eco-friendly. You might be surprised at all of the different things that can be done to keep your home clean while also being environmentally friendly! This article will show you different ways you can go green with your cleaning routine and why is it important.

1) They Are Good For The Environment

Eco-friendly products don’t contain harsh chemicals which can often be risky to the environment. These chemicals often include phosphates, ammonia, chlorine bleach, sulfates, petroleum solvents, and others that are toxic to aquatic, plant, and animal life. In order to prevent our nature from being damaged, we should limit our use of these products and switch to environmentally friendly alternatives. We should buy environmentally friendly laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, etc. These alternatives are usually made only from natural ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, and castile soap. They contain no harmful chemicals which can cause long-term damage to our environment.

2) They Are Safer For You And Your Family

Eco-friendly products are a healthier alternative to chemicals that can be found in regular cleaning products. They will not hurt your family members or pets when coming into contact with them and they won’t cause any illness either. They don't contain any of the harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin or eyes, so you won’t have to worry about negative reactions if they come into contact with your skin while cleaning. Conventional cleaning products are full of harsh chemicals mentioned above that can cause various health conditions such as skin irritation, eye irritation, lung problems, and they can even lead to cancer. They are not worth the risk so why don’t you switch to eco-friendly products instead?

3) They Are Cost-Effective 

Cleaning products can be made at home, from the ingredients that you probably already have so you won't waste your money anymore on buying expensive cleaning products. You can make your own cleanser from ingredients that include vinegar, baking soda, lemon, essential oils (lavender, mint, orange), etc. There are plenty of recipes for natural cleaning products found online and it will take you only 15-20 minutes to make them. If you don't want to make them on your own, you can also buy eco-friendly products. They may cost more than conventional products, but they will save you more money in the long run because you won't have to buy them as often because they last longer. You can recognize eco-friendly products by the label that should say "eco-friendly", "green", or it will have a picture of green leaves and our planet. It is worth mentioning that eco-friendly products usually come in biodegradable packages so they can decompose in the environment.

4) Natural Cleaning Products Are Usually Cruelty-Free

Most eco-friendly products and ingredients that can be found in them, such as essential oils and baking soda, are not tested on animals. On the other hand, conventional products and ingredients that can be found in them, such as parabens and cocamidopropyl betaine, are. They often contain animal ingredients too so you might find yourself making a choice between what's best for your health and what's best for an animal's life. If you want to look good while doing good, choose the eco-friendly product instead!

5) They Won't Damage Any Surfaces

Eco-friendly products are safe and will not ruin any surface in your home. They won’t damage your appliances, furniture, countertops, etc. while the chemicals found in regular cleaning products can cause discoloration or stain on different surfaces such as stone, metal, plastic, and others. They will also leave a residue that you won’t be able to scrub off which means you will have to re-clean that surface. For example, if you are cleaning your oven or stovetop with a chemical cleaner and it accidentally spills on the wall behind it, the chemicals in this kind of product could discolor the paint. Keep in mind that even if eco-friendly products are safe, you should always read the label before using them on any surface just in case.

6) They Won't Toxicate The Air 

Chemical cleaners are not only hazardous for you, but they can also be hazardous to your family members who live with you. Their vapors can accumulate inside the home and cause health problems such as headaches, nausea, allergic reactions as well as worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma. If you want to prevent this from happening in your home, switch to eco-friendly products that don't emit any kind of toxic fumes. You won’t have to worry about your family members getting sick because you used the wrong product for the surface you were cleaning.

7) Natural Cleaning Products Actually Clean Better 

The chemicals found in conventional cleaning products do not actually clean the surfaces as well as eco-friendly products do. They can break down dirt and grime allowing it to stick to your furnishings, appliances, etc. which could increase the need for re-cleaning that surface. On the other hand, eco-friendly ingredients are able to remove dirt and grime effectively while the microorganisms in them eat away at any kind of organic residue. Some materials, such as stone or marble, might be more porous than others so they will need to be scrubbed with a brush to remove surface build-up. 

While you might feel like a green cleaner is going to make your home look dirty, the opposite is actually true. Eco-friendly products are safe and won’t damage any surface in your home while also being more effective at cleaning than conventional cleaners. Conventional cleaning products can be hazardous for the environment, but for your health as well because they can cause various conditions such as allergies,  asthma, skin irritation, etc. They can also worsen the quality of air in your home and cause additional problems for your family members who suffer from asthma. If you want to protect both yourself and our environment from harmful toxins, consider switching over to eco-friendly products today! We hope this article was helpful.