Must-Have Summer Travel Essentials

Lazy evenings at home are the perfect opportunities to go over much-anticipated summer holiday plans. From choosing the ideal destination to the perfect hotel, it is easy to get lost in planning the activities you are excited to indulge in. 

Once the planning is finalized, it is time to pack. A tedious affair; important items often get overlooked while trying to pack the perfect outfits and accessories. From your trusty disposable vape pen to a handy first aid kit, there are some essentials you should never be without. 


While sunglasses are a great way to finish the perfect outfit or provide a fun fashion statement, their role in protecting your eyes and the sensitive skin surrounding them from the sun far exceeds their aesthetic value. 

If you are spending time in and around water, the sunlight reflects off the surface of the water, which can be damaging to your eyes. So if any accessory is worth splurging on, it would be a decent pair of sunglasses. 

Large Ziplock Bags

Carrying around ziplock bags may feel a little silly, but these standard kitchen items are surprisingly useful on vacation. You can use them to store beauty and skin products in your travel bag, protecting your clothes should disaster strike. 

Furthermore, you can put wet clothes inside to separate them from your dry options or take them to the beach to store your clothes and valuables to keep the sand away. For the most usage, opt for the largest size you can find. 

First Aid Kit

While a first aid kit is an essential addition to any kind of travel, it is even more important for a summer vacation that will likely include a lot of outdoor activities and indulgent meals. With the possibility of cuts, bruises, insect bites, and digestion issues threatening to ruin a good time, being fully prepared for whatever may come is the best way to mitigate any problem that may arise. 

Traveling with insect bite creams, hand sanitizer, band-aids, digestives, antiseptic wipes, pain medication, and antiseptic liquids will take up a small amount of space in your luggage but will save you a massive amount of effort if needed. 

Underwater Camera

Suppose your holiday is dedicated to spending time going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. Purchasing an underwater camera may be worthwhile to capture the best moments of your water adventures. 

You will have the peace of mind of knowing all your special vacation memories have been safely captured and stored while you explore the incredible world below the ocean water's surface. Furthermore, if you are an active family, choosing an option like a GoPro will prove to be very beneficial in your other adventures. 

Sunscreen & Aloe Vera

For any summer holiday, applying sunscreen before heading out the door is a complete non-negotiable. But it is surprising how often we forget to pack a bottle before we leave, forcing us to use what is available at our destination. A sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 and up blocks nearly 97% of the UV rays emitted from the sun, which are responsible for sunburns and potentially skin cancer. 

Additionally, aloe vera should be packed alongside this holiday necessity for those moments your application didn’t cover your body correctly, or you spent more time in the sun than planned. The properties found in aloe vera can help reduce the discomfort of sunburn and aid the skin in repairing any damage caused by UV rays. 

Waterproof Phone Case

If investing in a waterproof camera may be past the spending limit you are willing to make, you can easily turn your smartphone into one by using an underwater pouch. These useful waterproof cases can be used in the pool or the ocean, and if you know your phone will be around a lot of water. 

Before heading off on holiday, test the case at home to ensure it works correctly. For example, place an item that can get wet inside and double-check that your phone will be safely protected. Additionally, make sure it is tightly closed and adequately secured once your phone is inside each time you use it. 

Mosquito Repellent

Although traveling during summer is the preferred time of year, chances are your slice of paradise will be invaded by irritating mosquitoes to some extent, regardless of where you go. To avoid these pesky insects and any hassles that may arise from being bitten, carry a repellent that you can apply to ward them off. 

This will allow you to happily enjoy a balmy evening outdoors without becoming the meal yourself. Furthermore, it can help you avoid any potential diseases that they may carry.  

Walking Shoes

Typically, a summer vacation is all about swimming shoes, loafers, sandals, or no shoes at all. And while many activities will not require any type of footwear unless activity-specific, you may be surprised at how useful it is to pack a pair of decent, closed walking shoes. 

Not only can they be used for any spontaneous hiking or site-seeing you plan to do, but they will also protect your feet from harsh sunlight and hot roads that have been baking in the afternoon sunshine. Burning the soles of your feet is a very painful injury that can ruin your entire vacation. But it can be easily avoidable with this simple footwear addition.