Is conditioning leather bad?

Can leather conditioning cause rotting?

This answer tends to vary when it comes to the different types of leather and how quickly they rot. Usually the answer would be no however different types of stitching may rot quicker than other types due to applying leather conditioner. Depending on the type of leather conditioner you buy and the ingredients it has in it will decide if the leather and stitching tote or not. Therefore, it is important to check what type of leather conditioner you are using before putting it on your products to avoid them being destroyed. Visit the website for luxury leather products that have durable threading and are durable.

Types of leather stitching

Stitching made from materials such as nylon or polyester are the most popular forms of stitching and known to be the most durable as they have the least reaction to leather conditioner as they are less likely to rot. Another type of leather stitching is synthetic thread which is much more durable in wet conditions and does not rot or collect bacteria. If you want your leather stitching to last a long time synthetic thread is a perfect option and you can avoid the worry of it rotting when using leather conditioner. Cotton thread on the other hand is rare today as it is not as durable and can rot when exposed to wet and damp conditions. Cotton is a natural material and so when exposed to these moist conditions it begins to mold, meaning that if exposed to a substance like leather conditioner it would rot much easier.

What do you do if your stitching has rotted?

You have two options when dealing with rotted stitching: you replace the old stitching or attempt to repair it, which is the harder option. Most of the time when stitching has rotted it begins to break. This is when you will most likely need to fully replace the stitching which you can do by going to your local leather restoration company. However, sometimes you may be able to fix your molded stitching by using an at home recipe of vinegar and water to reduce the mold on the leather stitching, if this doesn’t work it would be more practical to replace the leather stitching and will most likely save money in the long term.

What to remember when conditioning leather?

It is important to avoid cotton threading if you want durable stitching that doesn’t rot but also if you do own leather products with cotton threading it is crucial to be wary of what cleaning products you are putting on your leather and threading. Whenever purchasing leather products it is recommended that you go for leather with synthetic thread as it is not affected by mold, this is especially important to remember when purchasing leather products such as boots and jackets which are all outdoor items and have the most contact with rain and other substances which wear leather stitching down and so the threading needs to be durable.