How To Target Weight Loss In A Specific Area Of Your Body

The human body naturally stores fat cells, which are broken down and released as energy for the body. However, it is possible to control where in your body the fat cells are broken down and released. This guide focuses on how to target weight loss in a specific area of your body. By following the instructions laid out here, you will be able to direct your exercise regime and healthy diet towards a thinner waistline, leaner legs, etc.

Targeting Face Fat

Your face is the first place people look when you meet them. They read the expression on your face before anything else, so it is important to keep this area trim and fit. Although one of the most difficult areas to target for your weight loss is your face, learning how to lose face fat is not impossible. Here is how to do some simple facial exercises:

  • Look up and roll your eyes in a circle, moving from left to right and back again ten times.

  • Follow the same path with your eyes, but this time roll them fifteen times clockwise and then fifteen times counterclockwise.

  • Repeat the previous step, but move your eyes in a full oval motion fifteen times clockwise and then fifteen times counterclockwise again.

  • To finish, follow the same path as before with your eyes, but this time do it twenty times clockwise and then twenty times counter-clockwise.

Remember to complete these steps three times daily for best results. 

Also, one of the best exercises for targeting face fat is simply smiling more often. When you are sad or angry, your face tends to take on a scowl or frown. Once this becomes a habit, it can be difficult to smile naturally whenever you want to. By forcing yourself into an everyday smile, the muscles in your face will become firmer.

Targeting Abdominal Fat

The most noticeable place to lose weight is in the abdominal area. It is, however, difficult for this area to shift quickly without careful attention and planning. To target this area of fat loss, you need to eat more frequently but in smaller portions. For example, instead of eating three large meals per day, eat five small meals per day instead. Remember that these five meals must be equal in size if you plan on targeting abdominal fat with diet alone. 

Then, you need to exercise. Here is how to target weight loss within the abdominal area with these simple exercises:


Start by getting into an all-fours position and hold yourself at the top for as long as possible (you should try to go for around 30 seconds). Then get onto your elbows and repeat the same thing. Finally, get onto your forearms and once again hold yourself up for as long as possible. Aim for about one minute this time.


Lie on your back and put your hands across your chest with your palms touching each other and fingers facing forward. Lift both of your legs until they form a 90-degree angle with the ground so that only your bottom is resting on the floor and hold this position for about five seconds. Don't lock out your knees! Then, return to the starting position and start again, aiming for three sets altogether.

Bicycle Kicks

Get into a regular crunch position and then lift and straighten one leg and the lower part of the opposite arm. Then bend that knee in towards your stomach while also twisting to pull that elbow across your body until you are bringing that knee into the starting crunch position again.

Targeting Arm Fat

The arms are another area that can be targeted by anyone looking to lose weight but is particularly popular with female exercisers. Unlike the abdominal region, the fat in this body part tends to come off easier and faster. Here are some simple exercises for targeting arm fat:


Get into a regular push-up position with your toes resting flat on the floor. Keep your hands directly under your shoulders or slightly forward of them, whichever feels more comfortable. Bend your elbows until they are at right angles and attempt to lower yourself until you feel your chest touch the ground. Then return to the starting position as quickly as possible without bouncing and do three sets altogether. 

Lateral Raises

Stand straight with good posture, then take your arms straight out to the side and hold them at shoulder height. The palms should be facing each body. Raise your arms diagonally upwards to about shoulder height, leading with the right arm first and then finishing with the left arm. Make sure you keep good posture throughout this exercise! Repeat for three sets of twelve reps each (or six per arm).

Targeting Thigh Fat

Like the arms, fat in this region can come off quickly and easily. To target thigh fat, you need to become explosive with your movements and use compound movements. Here are some examples:


For this exercise, you will need a somewhat heavy object such as a dumbbell (start with 5lbs and aim for 50lbs). Start by standing up straight with your feet together. Make sure that they are pointing ahead of you. Then step forward with one leg, bending both legs until that front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee lightly touches or hits the ground. Then return to the starting position before repeating on the same leg. Aim for three sets altogether! 

Skater Jumps

Start in a normal squat position and then jump off of one foot so that it forms a 90-degree angle with the floor while also trying to bring your other leg to the same position and returning to starting position. As you jump, twist your body so that it forms a 180-degree angle with the floor and repeat these motions consecutively for three sets of ten jumps each.

Targeting Chest Fat

Some people have trouble targeting fat in their chest area, but some exercises can help you blast it away! For the best results, make sure you are using heavyweights. Here are some simple exercises for your chest:

Bench Presses

Get on a bench with your feet flat on the floor and hold the bar just above your chest with good posture so that both of your arms are bent at right angles. Then, bend your elbows until they form 90-degree angles before straightening them again to return to starting position. Aim for three sets altogether! 


For this exercise, get onto two parallel bars and lift yourself up by pressing down with your hands while keeping legs about shoulder-width apart slightly closer than that. Keep your legs straight and your feet together throughout this exercise. Then, bend your elbows until they form right angles and return to the starting position as quickly as possible. Aim for three sets altogether!

Targeting weight loss in specific areas of your body can be achieved by using facial exercises,  compound exercises with heavyweights, and explosive movements. The key is to do the right exercises and use the correct form rather than doing hundreds of reps in order to burn fat off in these regions! Remember, a good diet is also essential!