How to Pick the Right Water Heater for Your Home

Water heaters are becoming a necessity for every modern home. They are the best in colder regions and make heating water easier and fast. With technology improvements, there are now better and more efficient water heaters you can buy for your home, depending on your needs and preferences. They come in different sizes, makes, brands, fuel consumption, and efficiency. If you're considering upgrading your heating system, you may benefit from exploring options from providers like Kelly Propane at to find the perfect fit for your home.

How do you pick the best? It can become overwhelming choosing the best water heater, especially if you are a first-time buyer. If you want to replace an existing heating unit, start afresh or have an addition, getting the right choice is essential. Here are tips to guide you in choosing the best.


1. Tanks versus Tankless Water Heaters

You will have to consider if you want a tank or a tankless water heater, depending on your needs, house, and water availability. Tank water heaters have been in use since time immemorial and contain large tank cylinders to store hot water when needed. These tanks can keep from 40 to 60 gallons of water and are installed in the house basements or laundry rooms. If you have such spaces and nowhere to store the hot water, you can consider the tank system. On the other hand, tankless heating systems are instant water heaters and power when hot water is needed. They have no tanks but are very efficient since they don’t lose heat, unlike the traditional water heating systems.

2. Fuel Type

Not all heating systems are powered by electricity.  You have to check on the fuel type depending on the needs and its availability in your home. The most common power used in heating systems includes gas, oil, electric propane, and solar, each having its pros and cons. The natural gas water heaters are quick and come in different sizes for each individual’s needs—this blog on installing a gas water heater details how you can install the system. The liquid propane water heaters resemble the gas systems but have tanks for storing fuel, while oil has fewer models to choose from and are slowly being phased out. When it comes to electric heaters, these don’t require venting and consume more energy than other types, especially if it’s instant. Depending on your choice and home arrangement, you can pick one that will serve you efficiently without incurring much installing and operating costs.

3.Direct versus Indirect Fired Water Heaters

You have an option of choosing direct versus indirect-fired water heating systems. How do they differ? The directly-fired water heating system has the water heated by a flame directly and is for a home with a furnace. In here, the fuel gets burned to produce a flame that heats the water. With an indirect fire heater, water is transferred through a heat exchanger in storage tanks. With this, the water tanks’ energy turns on and off to regulate heat, saving money. Depending on your heating needs, you can choose the latter to cut on costs and enjoy hot water throughout.

4. Cost

The cost is a determining factor in choosing the best water heating system for your home. Water heating systems don’t retail the same, with some getting much more expensive compared to others. What affects their cost? Several factors are considered in pricing the water heaters, including their size, brand, type, fuel type, efficiency, and other factors. You will have to purchase one depending on your budget. However, you shouldn’t sacrifice much on budget and get something that won’t meet your needs. Ensure you consider all the aspects right before deciding on the final choice. It is essential to carry out some groundwork and window shopping before making the conclusions.


5. Installing the water heater

Before buying a water heater, it’s essential to consider its installation. Will your house accommodate the installation? Will you require someone for installation, or you can do it yourself? Such are the questions you will have to dig deeper into before making the purchase. If you are only replacing the existing system, you can carry out installation efficiently, but if it’s a new job, you might require an expert to do a survey and advise if the system you chose will fit your house and needs. It is important to note that the installation will put an additional cost, which should be in the budget.

While it’s the best thing to own a water heating system, it comes with costs that must be taken care of. You need money for the purchase, transport, installation, and also maintaining your water heater. It would also be essential to have it serviced at all times to ensure it serves you efficiently and for longer. It would help consider all these tips to avoid getting a raw deal or losing your money in a system that can’t fit your needs.