How to Embrace and Express Your Sexuality

A large percentage of people are sexually repressed. The reason for this isn’t clear. What is clear however is that repression is very bad for one’s mental health, regardless of what it is that’s being repressed.

If you have been repressing your sexuality, then it’s time to change that. Searching for, embracing, and then expressing your sexuality will help you to feel more fulfilled and lead a much happier life.

This post will tell you how you can embrace and express your sexuality so that you can feel better about yourself and your life:


Everybody has something that really turns them on. In order to find, embrace, and express your sexuality, you need to find out what your thing is. Some people are into more kinky things, like mum and daughter duo pornography, while others are tamer and just like people’s feet. It is already very likely that you know exactly what you are interested in and attracted to. If you seriously do not, then the best place to find out is to check out a porn site. There are lots of different categories and types of pornography that you can choose from on these sites, which gives you an opportunity to explore. The best thing about porn sites is that they let you explore without having to commit to anything in the real world, such as a sexual act with another person.


If you want to embrace your sexuality, then do what feels good to you. Whatever you are interested in there’s probably somebody else who is too. There are lots of specialist dating sites on the web that can be used to find other people who share your sexual interests. These forums, chat rooms, and websites can be used to communicate with these people, and even meet them. Until you begin fulfilling your sexual desires and achieving satisfaction, you won’t ever feel as though you have embraced your sexuality. If you do intend on meeting people on the internet and having sexual experiences with them, then verify that they are who they say they are first.  Meeting people online can sometimes be dangerous.


Whatever your sexual interests are, the best way to express them is physically. Watching pornography and using toys are fun, but cannot compare to another person’s touch. If you are a person that’s naturally shy and do not know how to go out and meet new people for sex, then as mentioned in the previous section, the internet’s home to myriad websites that can be used for that purpose. Hook-up sites are by far the best types of websites for that kind of thing, but forums and chat rooms are also useful.


If you want to embrace your sexuality, then you need to be positive about it. A lot of people repress their sexualities and the things that turn them on because they don’t want other people to judge them. If you want to be a happy person, then you need to let go of your fears of judgment and embrace your sexuality anyway. The best way to do this is to be positive about it. Accept that your sexuality is a part of you, and therefore, it is okay. As long as you are happy with your sexuality, then it doesn’t matter what other people think.


If you are just starting to explore your sexuality, then one exercise can help you to learn more about yourself and become more confident in creating a list of all of the things that you like. Creating a list is something that’s really straightforward. All that you have to do is to write down everything that turns you on. You can use a pornographic website to help you with this. Once you have established everything that turns you on, try to create different categories. If you can categorize these different things, then those categories are your main sexual interests.


Once you are aware of what turns you on, don’t be ashamed of it. You should be as open as possible (within reason). If anybody asks you about your sexuality or anything that you are interested in, then don’t be ashamed to tell them. It is when people start hiding their sexuality that things start to go wrong for them mentally. A good way to learn to be more open is to participate in sexual health groups and even find a counselor, who can work with you and help you to feel better about yourself.

Embracing and expressing sexuality is something that we all need to do. Repressing and ignoring one’s sexual desires will only ever lead to an unhappy life. Sex is such a significant part of life that it needs to be embraced wholeheartedly.