Headache Prevention Tips that will Save your Sanity

If you suffer from headaches then you will know how debilitating these can be. At times you may feel as though they stop you from doing anything and you may even have to have time off work as well. If you want to try and stop this from happening then prevention is the best method.

Good Posture

Believe it or not, posture can have a huge impact on your headaches. You have to make sure that your neck isn’t stiff for long periods of time and you also need to keep your back as straight as possible as well. If you work at a computer all day then this will increase your chances of developing headaches, so it’s important that you take your eyes away from the screen as this can really help to give you a break.



It’s so important that you look at your pillows from time to time. If your pillow has a lot of lumps or if it is really thin, then this can all have an impact on your sleeping posture. If you have a bad night’s sleep then this can really build up tension in your back and your neck, which can also lead to headaches. Try and experiment with what works for you, whether it is having a bigger pillow to sleep on or whether it is sleeping on your back.

Have a Healthy Diet

Having a healthy diet is crucial if you want to try and stop headaches. If you work out regularly and if you continually try to look after yourself then this can seriously reduce your chances of developing a migraine. You should also never skip meals because this can cause your blood sugar to plummet, increasing the chance of you developing a headache even more.


Stress build-up is another factor that can really contribute to headaches. If you are continually stressed or if you are under a lot of pressure at work then this can cause the muscles in your head to tense up, leading to pressure headaches and migraines. You may not be able to change the amount of stress you are under, but you can easily try and reduce the stress where possible. You can do this by taking yoga classes or even by looking into some new hobbies. Of course, headache prevention is always easier when compared to dealing with the headache in general, so this is an important factor for you to take into consideration.


Eye Tests

If none of the above tips help you with your headaches, then it may be worth going for an eye-test. There are so many family optometrists out there who can offer you eye tests for a very affordable price and it could put an end to your headaches once and for all. If you do happen to need glasses then this will relieve the amount of stress that you put your eyes under when reading texts or even just by browsing the internet, so it’s worth looking into.