Amazing Tips To Help You Gain Muscle Weight And Grow Faster

For many, building muscle is the main reason why people continuously go to the gym. Achieving that muscular and sculpted look is the motivation that keeps many people going. However, sometimes people’s efforts can be used in the wrong areas, and to achieve maximum results you have to be effective in your muscle-building efforts. It is not just about the gym, your training must be aligned with other variables such as nutrition and sleep. Here are 6 amazing tips to help you gain muscle weight quickly.

1. Increase Your Protein Intake

First and foremost, you will need to significantly increase your protein intake. Tracking your macros is not something that a lot of people enjoy, however, if you can set yourself a goal of how much protein you need to eat daily and track this number, you will be more likely to achieve it. Your diet will be made up of three main groups; carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Try to split these into percentages so that your protein makes up 45% of your diet, carbs will make up 35% and fats will make up 20% of your diet. This might sound complicated, but you can use a macronutrient calculator to help you work out all the math. 

In addition to tracking your protein and macronutrient intake, using a recipe calorie calculator can be extremely helpful in ensuring you're consuming the right amount of calories and nutrients for muscle growth.

2. Use SARM Alternatives

While some people turn to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), this is not an advisable route as there is a significant lack of research into how safe SARMs are. Instead, you should look for an alternative protein you need to eat that is safe and legal to purchase. SARM alternatives were designed for athletes who want to take their muscle growth to the next level without having to use steroids. You can purchase some alternatives that work to produce more testosterone in your body, which is ideal for individuals experiencing low energy levels and fatigue. 

3. Target Specific Muscle Groups During Your Workouts

A common mistake made by those trying to build muscle is to go to the gym and do full-body workouts. While this is still doing good for your body, it is much more effective to go to the gym and work on specific muscle groups at a time. You should divide your workouts as followed;

  • Back and bicep

  • Chest and tricep

  • Legs

  • Shoulder

At the end of these sessions, you should also fit in some dedicated ab exercises, even if it is just for 5 to 10 minutes this will make a big difference. Also, do not forget to stretch before and after working out because this will reduce the likelihood of injury. 


4. Eat More

This is everybody’s favorite tip! Throw away your diet culture tips and make sure that you are getting more daily calories. Your body will be working harder, so it will need more energy to help the muscles repair quickly. Your body gets energy from calories, so do not make the mistake of thinking you can grow muscle quickly while on a calorie deficit. 

Look up the best vitamins for muscle growth and recovery and make sure you are taking the right supplements. This can help support your body's nutritional needs during intense workouts and aid in muscle recovery.

5. Load Up On Carbohydrates After Your Workouts

Research shows that fuelling up on carbohydrates following a workout will keep your energy levels up as well as help you build muscle. This is because carbs can increase your insulin levels, which then slows down your body breaking down protein. So, next time you work out, be sure to have a banana, sports drink, sandwich, or any other carb to help your body work as effectively as possible.

6. Take Rest Days

Rest days are essential, there is no point in going to the gym every day to pound your muscles if you are not going to let them take the time to repair. It becomes counterproductive and will slow down the growth of your muscle weight. While you should be moving every day, this does not mean you have to be in the gym every day. Consider going for walks on rest days or doing some gentle yoga. That way your muscles are still being used, but not too much that they are not able to recover and repair. When we tear tiny microfibers in our muscles, the body acts to repair these and grow back stronger. This is the most basic explanation of muscle growth, but it shows that if you never give your muscles a chance to repair they cannot get stronger. This doesn’t mean you can’t do your savage workouts, just ensure that you give your body the time it needs to recover from them. 

Muscle growth can take time, but the key is to be patient with yourself and to be kind to yourself. Punishing your body will not make your muscles grow faster. So follow these 6 tips, and you will be seeing results in no time.