A Beginner’s Guide To Number Manifestation

Manifestation is the process of putting what you want to achieve out into the universe, and trying to put in the work to achieve it. It is often done using meditation, but can also be seen in the form of writing as well as spoken mantras. 

Manifestation can be a great way to level-up your regular meditation, and help you achieve your goals. Numbers and symbols are widely used within manifestation to reinforce mantras, help keep your focus, and to feel more confident about achieving your goals. 

Angel Numbers

Seeing numbers repeated throughout your regular routine can be the universe and higher forces trying to tell you something. Think carefully about your goals and try to avoid actively looking for these, as they will present themselves when the time is right. These are some of the most commonly seen angel numbers and what effect they have on your manifestations. More numbers can be found here https://hiddennumerology.com/


Seeing this number is a sign of a fresh start, and that you will be experiencing new opportunities. When you see this number repeated, it’s worth taking a moment to step back and reflect on where you are in life, and where you want to be. 


This number is also recognized as a symbol of new beginnings. Seeing this number repeated in clocks, receipts or any part of your daily life could be a sign that your manifestations are going to happen soon. It might be the universe or higher forces trying to tell you to be ready for a life change. When you find yourself seeing 111 often, you should continue to manifest what you have been, and try to keep your focus on your goals. 


If you see this number a lot in your daily life, it could be a sign to meditate and take a step back if you can. It usually means that things are happening as they should, and that you need to stop worrying about the small things. Have faith in the universe and keep working towards your goals. Focus on the bigger picture and set some clear goals if you haven’t yet. 222 is a sign of transformation, vision, and wisdom. 


333 is widely seen as the number for reassurance, joy, and peace. It is a sign that higher forces are working with you, and that you are surrounded by positive energy. It could mean that you are where you need to be in life, or that you should keep focusing on working towards your goals. 


Similar to the previous number, 444 is a sign that higher forces are surrounding you and encouraging you. It can be encouraging to know that you are not alone, and can be what you need to continue working on your goals. Try to project these into the universe, and be consistent in your manifestations. 


This is a sign that things are beginning to change, and you should get ready. If there is something that you have been putting off until the last minute, try to get that done and finish any outstanding work or projects. Seeing 555 repeated is a sign that you are about to enter a new stage of life, and should be ready to get rid of things that no longer serve you. You are about to level up.


The universe might be trying to tell you to recalibrate, and assess whether your current situation is working for you. It might be time to start prioritizing yourself and focus on how you can support your dream self. 


According to Chinese culture, 7 is a lucky number, and it is no different when you see this angel number a lot. It can be reassuring to know that the universe is working with you, and that things are coming together. Try to focus on the moment rather than worrying about small things, as this number can be a sign that good things are coming, or that they are already here. 


This is a symbol of abundance that is most frequently associated with money. If you have been experiencing tough times financially, then seeing this number can be a sign that you will receive a new way to get money. Try to be confident in yourself, and open to new opportunities. This is a good time to manifest career changes or a new side hustle. 


This is another sign of change happening, and if you see this number, then it could be an indicator that you should try to tie up loose ends with a person or thing that no longer serves you. This can even be in the form of a project that has been dormant for some time. Think about what might be holding you back from achieving your goals and try to find some closure. 

To summarize, there are a lot of reasons why you might be seeing repeated numbers as you go about your day. Try to think carefully about your goals and how you can manifest them. The universe might be trying to tell you something, so it is definitely worth listening to your gut and taking a step back to focus on how you feel when you see any of these powerful numbers.