6 Effective Tips from Beauty Professionals to Look Fantastic This Summer

There are certain things that must be taken care of when it comes to self-care, and which different weather comes different methods to ensure that your skin is well taken care of. With warm, sunny weather comes scary zits and pimples. It is no surprise to anyone that summer brings a new set of challenges for a beauty and skincare routine. 

The challenge is fighting off the heat and sweat without getting burned by all the UV exposure. While many grope blindly for the perfect solution to beat the summer heat, we have six expert tips that would help you look fantastic this season.

1. Stay Light to Feel Bright 

Summers are all about staying light, fresh and trendy. It goes without saying that you should also take a step back from the heavy makeup looks when you store away that wooly sweater. It is very important to let your skin breathe during summer to ensure it is revitalized and healthy. So, be mindful when applying makeup and use lightweight concealers and a setting spray with SPF. 

2. Choose the Right Moisturizer

To beat the summer makeup and skincare challenge, you need to pick products smartly. In other words,  go for multi-purpose products that enhance your skin and look. One of the most essential summer items is a cbd cream which offers a unique way to get your CBD, all while doing some good for your skin by addressing frequent topical issues.

With this, you will not only save your skin from the harsh UV rays exposure, but it would also give a warm and subtle glow to your skin. If you visit a med spa during the summer, you may notice that they always avoid heavy moisturizers because these can lead to other problems like acne, clogged pores, and inflammation. This tip can go a long way when it comes to optimizing your skincare routine. 

3. Exfoliation: Yay or Nay?

You may have grown cautious of exfoliation with the mixed reviews out there; but, exfoliating your skin in moderation is a good idea. In the summer, you will surely need to, especially if you have an oily skin type. You want to space out your exfoliation days; for instance, go twice per week rather than daily. Use some AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) pads for getting the pores opened up. The AHA pads can also prevent acne and clear up the clogged oil, all the while making you feel fresh and your skin soothed. 

4. Showering Like Crazy? Don’t!

A lot of people think the best way to cool down is by showering multiple times a day, but it is not. Dermatologists and other skin-care professionals recommend not to shower for long hours if you are bathing more than once a day. If you shower excessively, it may lead to dry or flaky skin and in severe cases may even result in eczema. 

5. Ditch the Foundation

In the scorching summer heat, it would be less than ideal to go for heavy foundations and concealers. You might end up looking like a wreck with smears, sweat, and smudges, so to keep up with a light summer makeup routine, you should consider getting rid of the foundation. All you need is a nice concealer for covering the dark spots and areas of concern. Go for a creamy concealer and apply it carefully. 


6. Stay Hydrated at all Times

Staying hydrated is vital for your health because your body needs water to function properly. Moreover, any signs of dehydration will show up on your face. Hydration is extremely important and ensures your complexion is fresh, healthy, and beautiful during the unbearably hot summers. 

Your aim should be to drink about eight glasses of water every day; however, this may vary depending on your lifestyle. Another wonderful advantage of staying hydrated is that it is a great recovery booster from sunburns. That said, sunburns only occur if you let them (and we are assuming that you won’t forget to apply the SPF sunscreen daily and stay in the shade whenever possible). 

The beauty tips listed above are vital aspects of a beauty routine that is required during summers. But you should also remember the key component and that is following the instinctive care of your skin. You should be nourishing it and keeping it from harm’s way (the UV rays). 

Furthermore, ensure that all the makeup products that you are using are non-comedogenic to avoid your skin breaking out with acne or pimples due to clogged pores. So choose your skincare products wisely if you want to keep your skin healthy and happy throughout the summer.