5 Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

There are many materials you can choose from for flooring, but carpet is definitely king, sure it can be a bit hot in the blazing heat of summer, but it is a blessing in disguise on your feet in the cool of winter. 

It is more comfortable and much safer, having carpet is such a good idea! However, they can get dirty fast, so what better way to clean them than to inquire with grand rapids carpet cleaning

You see, while carpets are great, they get dirtier than other floors, and dirt can easily get stuck in their fibers. Sure, you can vacuum a carpet, but chances are you are not fully eliminating all the dirt. 

Every now and again it can be wise to hire a professional residential carpet cleaning service.

For many though, it can be questioned if it is worth your time and money to do so. If you are a person who does not quite see if it is worth it or not, let us settle your mind and tell you 5 benefits as to why hiring a professional is actually worth it!

#1. Better Air Quality

Most do not know this, but having a dirty carpet can actually reduce the air quality in your house. As time goes on, carpets can get clogged up with dust, dirt, and other debris. Therefore, if you do not take proper care of it, the air can get stuffy, and you will find particles of dirt and dust floating around. 

Air quality reduction is actually a big problem for people who have allergies and asthma, those who have sinus or respiratory issues can also suffer from this as well. In many cases, a dirty carpet could even result in a dire trip to the ER! 

The best thing to do is just to get a professional carpet cleaning service in and save yourself from the costs of any expensive medical bills! 

#2. High Tech Equipment

In spite of the padding carpets have, an unkempt carpet can easily end up matted and rough. This is actually what happens when dirt particles get embedded into the fibers of the carpet. 

If you try cleaning the carpet with standard household products, you will not be likely to see success, no matter how hard you try, it needs something a bit more hardcore! 

A carpet cleaning company will have high-strength equipment which is made perfectly just for this purpose. There will also be shampoos they can use which are specially designed to lift stains out of a carpet. 

Once a professional carpet cleaning company has visited and given your carpets a thorough cleaning, we can guarantee that your carpets will look as fresh and gorgeous as it was when you first purchased them! 

#3. Lasts Longer

Nothing can be quite as annoying as having to have a new carpet fitted. Carpets are great home investments, however, this is only the case if you maintain them well enough. Regular cleaning can and does help, but that is only the sowing of the seeds. 

If you really want to lengthen the lifespan of your carpet then you should consider getting a full cleaning service done each year. 

Hiring professionals for this job is the only real way to go about it and get consistent results! This means you should be looking to have your carpet deep cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected every year. 

Professional cleaning companies can also offer you more advice on how you can keep the carpet looking its very best as well so that it lasts even longer! There is nowhere better to get advice than from a professional! 

#4. Pro’s Do It Better

We aren’t saying that you do not do a good job of cleaning your carpets. If you value your carpet then the chances are that you put a lot of effort into your carpets being clean. However, professionals know what they’re doing. 

Carpets are a constant victim of stains, spills, liquid messes, pet dander and so much more. When it comes to stains though, they really do suffer. If a carpet stain is stubborn enough it will also start to smell foul as well. 

It should not get this bad if treated well enough and caught early, however, if it gets to this point then it needs a deep cleaning. 

Sometimes we think we have clean carpets, we may have caught the stain super fast, and think we got it out before it settled. However, this is not always the case. Many carpets actually contain bacteria and mites which can genuinely cause breathing problems. 

The only real way to ensure that your carpet is in tip-top condition is to hire a professional carpet cleaning service. 

Professional cleaners have experience and all the right tools to ensure that your carpets come out as clean as possible. These are appliances we cannot get as general household items, but they are sure to work wonders on your carpet. 

Professionals will also know specific techniques for lifting certain types of stains out of carpets, they will also have the know-how to kill off carpet bacteria, and remove dirt, dust, and debris. 

#5. Reliability & Speed

If you have a serious carpet issue such as discoloration, or perhaps a really deep stain, or maybe a bad odor, then you should probably leave the cleaning to a professional

With professional experience and knowledge in carpet cleaning, they can fix your problems in no time at all. Professionals are experts in cleaning carpets and will have your carpet cleaned efficiently and fast. 

Trying to clean a carpet yourself is admirable, but you will probably be spending a lot of time and money on a DIY project that is doomed. 

It will probably cost you less, in the long run, to simply get your carpet professionally cleaned once a year than to spend oodles of your hard-earned cash on endless general household carpet cleaning products that you have no guarantee will fix your problem.


One of the biggest factors worth considering when it comes to hiring a professional carpet cleaner is that while you can try to clean a carpet yourself, you just use typical household products and a normal home vacuum cleaner. 

Common household vacuums will simply not have the power needed to lift dirt particles which are embedded in the fibers tightly. It might look like it is doing the job, but chances are it is only lifting out superficial dirt and not the dirt that is deeper down, causing true problems. 

Cleaning companies will have real, high-tech equipment that homeowners just do not have access to. This equipment is specially designed to lift out stains and remove dirt from carpets. Pro carpet cleaners also use specialized shampoos for superior cleaning of your carpets. 

So, while you can clean it yourself, it will never have the oomph that a professional carpet cleaner does. It is worth the money to pay for a pro every now and again.


Getting a professional carpet cleaning service might seem a bit pointless to some people, but the truth is that it is well worth the money to do so, these professionals have the skills, knowledge, and experience that homeowners lack. 

With specialized equipment and expert techniques, they can lift dirt and stains out of the carpet, no matter how deeply embedded they are. It is well worth getting a professional carpet cleaning done once or twice a year if you can. 

You treat yourself from time to time, your carpets deserve the same!