Your New Year’s Resolution

Before you know it you will be opening your presents and pulling your Christmas crackers. For evident reasons, December is a month that just seems to fly by. Once it is over you have New Year’s celebrations to look forward to and you need to start thinking about the year ahead. One thing you undoubtedly need to come to a decision regarding is your New Year’s resolution. What are you striving to achieve in 2019? It’s important to start thinking about this now because a lot of resolutions require a bit of pre-planning. This is definitely the case when it comes to giving up smoking. If you are currently a smoker let 2019 be the year you finally break the habit. Once you do, you will have a new lease on life. You will feel better than you ever have before.


It is no secret that smoking is bad for your health. The negative effects of cigarettes have been well-documented. However, a lot of people just take the viewpoint that ‘oh well, it won’t happen to me’. But, what won’t happen exactly? You won’t get lung cancer? Well, that just scratches the surface of what may happen. Nevertheless, you need to consider what definitely happens to everyone who smokes. It doesn’t matter whether you eat extremely healthily, exercise regularly and have all other elements of your lifestyle in check. If you smoke you are going to have problems with breathing, your teeth and fingernails will develop a horrible yellow hue, you will have a chesty cough and your breath will smell as well. Does this really sound like the person you want to be? Wouldn’t you rather feel more energetic and look healthier? Furthermore, if you have children you also need to think about them. Not only in the sense of passive smoking but the fact that kids are much more likely to smoke if their parents do so.

Nevertheless, nobody said giving up smoking was easy. But that’s why you need to start early. To kick this habit you have to plan carefully. A quit smoking timeline will be extremely beneficial. It is unrealistic to think that you can just wake up on January 1st and never smoke again. Instead, you need to gradually reduce your daily intake from now until the beginning of 2019. When January comes you will find it a lot easier.

Don’t be afraid to use the help that surrounds you either. Join forums and talk to others that are in the same position in order to gain support. Make sure your family and friends are on side as well. In addition to this, there are lots of great products on the market today which are designed in order to make the transition a lot easier. The rise of the electronic cigarette is a prime example of this. Vape In The Box and other products like this will help you. Just be sure to check each product thoroughly in order to determine what is inside before you inhale it.

It is all about finding what works for you. And, once you do, you will feel like a completely new person! Let 2019 be your year to shine.

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