3 Reasons Why Your Real Estate Listing Isn't Getting Traction

New York City is notorious for its hot real estate market, which makes it odd when your real estate listing doesn't get as much traction as you would expect. If your listing isn't picking up as many eyes as you think it should, there could be something wrong. Here are a few things that could be preventing your listing from heating up.

1. Your Server Is Experiencing DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks have been on the rise. Layer 7 DDoS attacks increased in frequency by 573% quarter-by-quarter in 2021 alone. These attacks are targeting several different industries. The real estate market is no different. A denial-of-service attack is a type of cyberattack that happens when a cybercriminal wants to make your website unavailable to users by disrupting the server host. The attack spams the server with fake requests to access a website, making it difficult or even impossible for potential renters or buyers to see your listing. Make sure that the website you're using to host your listing has a secure web server host to protect your listing from DDoS attacks.

2. You're Using the Wrong Website Content

Content is everything. With hundreds of rental and real estate websites out there, you need to stand apart. Here's where creativity comes in. One realtor made national headlines for listing a home in New Hampshire in a Michael Myers costume from the 'Halloween' franchise. His photos not only drew attention but his creativity also helped create the sale.

While not everyone has that level of creativity, there are plenty of ways to spice up your listing. People want to envision themselves in a space. When they're looking for a house, they want it to speak to them and their personal style. The first step is to take great images. You wanted images that were of higher quality. Depending on your market, staging the interior of your listing before selling it can increase even more interest.

SEO and a well-worded listing will stand out as well. When looking at listings, describing properties in a way that tells a story is more interesting and they're less likely to scroll past the boring 'four-bedroom, two-bath, single-family.'

3. Your Listing Is in an Unfavorable Neighborhood

There are going to be times when there is a listing in a neighborhood that is less than desirable. So, how do you turn around and sell a property that nobody wants to picture themselves in?

Increasing curb value can do wonders. Curb value is one of those investments that pay off. Having new features such as windows can significantly increase the value of the property. The great thing about increasing the curb value of one building - the properties around it will either need to follow suit or see the value of their own properties drop.

Doing minor remodeling and staging on the inside of the property can do wonders as well. Again, it's like the initial photographs that you take with any new listing. It needs to look like something that someone could picture growing in. You can do small remodels such as lighting, painting, or flooring. If there are areas of the property that are more run-down, two of the most popular remodels are the kitchen and the bathroom. If your real estate listing isn't getting enough attention, try correcting any of the potential issues above. There could be a chance that the problem is the website, the content, or the way you're advertising the listing.