10 Home Improvements to Make Before Moving Into a New Place

These upgrades can be done at any time, although everything is easier to reach in an empty room. Consider adding extra electrical outlets or renovating existing ones if you're moving into an older home, especially one built before the mid-1990s. Many older homes lack the electrical capacity to accommodate a large number of electronics. An electrical repair in Orlando, FL takes care of outlet repair and replacement. Additional outlets in your rooms can help you arrange furnishings, such as computers, speakers, and gaming systems, as well as provide space for everyone to charge their phones. Consider adding programmable thermostats and light fixtures to your electrical renovations.So you've discovered the perfect home or apartment, and it's understandable that you'd like to move in as soon as possible. However, before calling the moving company, let your imagination run wild and consider making the following home improvements.

Get Rid Of Popcorn Ceiling

Your home may feature textured walls and ceilings if it was built before the 1990s. Although the popcorn style was once very fashionable, it has since become obsolete. These walls and ceilings may contain asbestos, in addition to being an eyesore. Removing the texturing is a simple yet messy procedure. So, save yourself the trouble and take care of this before you move in. Popcorn ceilings are fairly easy to take down. Spraying water over the texture to soften it makes scraping it off with a putty knife much easier. Even though it is a technological operation, it is best done when no humans or furniture are present.

Install a New Roof

Any large leak might cause significant harm to your house over time. To minimize mold, mildew, and rotting wood, you should repair any gaps in your roof as soon as possible or consider installing a new one. About 75% of all houses in North America are outfitted with roof shingles. In order to prevent damage to the existing building structure, the roof structure or roof insulation must be rebuilt immediately. This can be especially important if the damage has occurred due to a storm or natural disaster. Heavy damages due to storms can pose a significant threat to the residents of the home, which is why it is crucial to look for a storm damage roof repair company if this is the case for you.

Redo The Floors Or Install Carpet

Even while you can do it after you move in, it is far quicker to refinish floors, pull up and replace existing flooring, or install carpet before the furniture is put in. While your property is still empty, you can have the flooring contractors repair any additional damaged subflooring areas or replace the baseboard trim.

Update the Landscaping

It's important to think about the impact landscaping can have when moving into your new home. While most basic landscaping work may be done after you've moved in, home renovations like tree removal and tree planting are better to start and accomplish before you've moved in completely. Since 90% of Americans desire to live in homes surrounded by grass lawns, you may like to consider installing a lawn, or just make sure the one already there is well taken care of.

Selecting the perfect grass is the most important part, and drought-resistant TifTuf Bermuda grass stands out as an ideal option for every homeowner. It flourishes in hot, dry summers and is extremely cold-hardy, ensuring your lawn stays lush and green with minimal upkeep.

Make Childproofing a Priority

Never put off taking the essential precautions to protect your children from household risks until after you've moved in. Before the little ones arrive through the door, make whatever childproofing improvements you need to make, such as covering outlets, locking cabinets, or putting corner and edge bumpers. If the previous owners installed childproofing, make careful to double-check each safety fixture to ensure it is in good working order.


Consider the hassle of removing all of the furniture from a room before painting it. Thankfully, you can prevent a potential problem, since it's easier to paint an empty room than it is to paint a full space, whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a professional. There will be no need to safeguard or be concerned about damage to your furniture, drapery, clothing, mirrors, or other prized possessions. If you're having trouble deciding on a color scheme for your new house, start with a neutral and clean white, pastel, or beige and build from there as you gain a sense of the space.

Change The Locks

You can't put your family's safety at risk just because the prior homeowner appeared trustworthy or polite. Furthermore, you have no idea how many other people have a copy of this key. Before you move in, have a locksmith replace all of the locks to eliminate any security issues. The only way to restrict who has access to your home is to do so. Remember to secure the back door and garage door, as well as any sheds or other structures on your property, when installing the locks.

Make Electrical Upgrades

These upgrades can be done at any time, although everything is easier to reach in an empty room. Consider adding extra electrical outlets or renovating existing ones if you're moving into an older home, especially one built before the mid-1990s. Many older homes lack the electrical capacity to accommodate a large number of electronics. Additional outlets in your rooms can help you arrange furnishings, such as computers, speakers, and gaming systems, as well as provide space for everyone to charge their phones. Consider adding programmable thermostats and light fixtures to your electrical renovations.

Renovate Your Bathroom

One of the most inconvenient aspects of a renovation is the lack of a bathroom. It isn't a big deal if you have a second bathroom that has already been updated. However, if there is just one bathroom in the house or both bathrooms are in need of a makeover, it is preferable to do these tasks before everyone moves in. Bathrooms, like kitchens, are a popular remodeling project for homes. To extend your bathroom, you may choose to replace a bathtub with a walk-in shower, incorporate some current bathroom design trends, or even borrow space from another room or closet. If you want to make changes to the bathrooms in your new house, you should get them done before you move in. This way, you can start using your lovely new bathroom right away.

Upgrade Your Closet

Your closets would most likely be the first thing to become messy in your new home. Closets tend to become cluttered before the move is complete. It's more difficult to see how to maximize storage after it's completely full. Install extra shelving and other closet fixtures before these spaces are filled to make the room more functional and appealing.

Moving is difficult, especially if there is work to be done before you can settle in completely. Each year, falling trees inflict over $1 billion in property damage, according to the National Storm Damage Center. Prioritizing these home improvements, like landscaping, can help you settle safely without unnecessary costs in the future after moving into your new home.