Your Moving House Checklist

As much as we wish it, moving house isn’t as simple as just taking all of your things and putting them somewhere that you would rather live, there’s a lot you have to prepare to properly make the transition. You have to consider the legal requirements, the paperwork regarding your address, the cost of living in another house, the compatibility of the area, and more! There’s so much that you need to take care of, and it can be hard to make sure that you’ve covered all of the bases.


Finding an area for you

First of all, finding the right area for you is important. For a lot of people, there are areas where they would rather not live, and there are areas that can make their life a lot easier. Could you live closer to better work opportunities? Would living nearer to schools help with your future plans of having children? Are you staying for a while or just looking for something temporary? If you’re not looking to be moving around and hoping to stay put, it’s better to plan for the house you’ll need, rather than just something that’s going to help you right here and now.

Fitting your needs

Everyone has their own needs, whether it be personal preferences, accessibility, or something in between, it’s something that should be taken into account when looking for a house. Say your house has no room for a stairlift, or the signal strength is weaker in some rooms. Do you really want to live somewhere that’s going to cause problems for you? Even if it’s a small problem, it’s going to be something to work around every single day! Spending the time to find the best removal company for you, such as a Preston Removals company, and decluttering all of your belongings, is only worthwhile is you find the place you really wat to live in.

Meet the neighbors

While it’s not such a big issue on the surface, you should make an effort to meet the neighbors before making the move, or at least inquiring about them. Sometimes neighbors can be a treat to live next to, sometimes a nightmare - and you should avoid the latter! You want to feel comfortable in your home, rather than surrounded by people that you would rather avoid, and making sure you have neighbors that you can get along with is very important!

If you get the chance, make a good first impression! It could be what determines your relationship with them from that point onwards.

Changing address information

When you move house, you need to be ready to change all of your postal information to everywhere that needs it. You don’t want your bills or other important documents to be sent to your old address, and it can be a lot of bothering to deal with if you forget about it. Before you move make sure you have a list of all of the places that are going to need an update on your new address, and it will save you the trouble of having to collect mail from the new residents while you try to change it in your new home.

Picking a moving company

Whether you’re packing already, or still planning everything, you’re going to want to make sure you’ve picked out your removal company for when the time comes. You’re about to trust the majority of your belongings to these people, so it’s important that you take your time and pick the ones that are right for you! Ask around with friends, read reviews online, find out if you’re taking risks with certain companies. The last thing you want is for things to get lost in transit, or maybe even damaged!

The last thing you want is for things to get lost in transit, or maybe even damaged! So don't skip background checking, you might end up having problems instead of receiving convenience. Choose wisely, choose Piece of Cake NY.  


Selling your house

Half the job of moving house is finding a way to get rid of your current house, and for that, you may need to find a realtor to help you with it. Depending on what your priorities are, you have a number of options! If you want to get rid of your house ASAP and make the move already, there are house buyers that can buy my house fast, allowing you to be free of the responsibility in return for quick money! You may not get as good a price as you would by putting it on the housing market and waiting for someone to buy it, but it’s the best option if you’re looking to be done with it quickly! 

On the other hand, hiring a realtor to help you sell your house can help you a lot. You’re going to want someone who can help you get the best price on your house, and who can show visitors around the house to help make the sale! If time is on your side, a professional is a good option for you!

Preparing your old house

When you’re preparing your old home for sale, you’re going to want to make sure that it looks presentable for the visitors. Making sure the house is tidy, and making an effort to remove personal belongings so that it can be appealing to everyone is important! While getting rid of the mess and personal items is important, it’s just as important to make sure the house smells nice too. After living there for a long time, you get used to the regular smells of your house, and while they might not be bad smells, replacing them with an air freshener is the better move for when people are coming to visit!

Dealing with damages

A common legal issue that people face when selling their house is failing to disclose damage to people who are looking to buy. When you’re buying a house, the last thing you’re going to want to deal with is the surprise costs of having repairs done because you weren’t informed by the previous owners. If you’re aware of any damages in your home, either make sure to have them repaired before putting them on the market, or be sure to disclose that information to people who are looking at the house!

It can seem impossible to make sure you have everything covered when it comes to moving, but getting yourself organized makes everything a lot easier.