Why You Need A Commercial Property Tax Consultant

Taxes are a part of most states if not all. Governments require a given percentage of their yearly income to fund public projects and other expenditures of national interest. There are many tax brackets, from individual to business to property brackets. Each of these is done differently. You’ll pay individual taxes based on your income, a business based on your profits, and property based on your property’s value. This article focuses on commercial property tax. 

Handling property taxes is a lengthy and tiring process. This is why there are property tax consultants in the business. They help make filing taxes easier for you. How else will you stand to benefit by seeking their services? Read on to find out more about the other benefits.

You need a commercial property tax consultant:

For Accurate Tax Filings

Taxes are an essential aspect of your business. Most states require that you file them depending on your type of business and income. Filing taxes independently as possible, but there’s a high probability of making errors. You might file your taxes under the wrong tax bracket and pay too much or too little. Paying more taxes than you should reduce your profit margins while paying fewer taxes will lead to penalties.

However, by seeking the services of a commercial property tax consultant, you’re more or less assured of filing your taxes correctly. In no situation shall you miss out on anything that could lead to legal issues in the future. 

To Be Compliant

Property taxes keep changing every day, and you must keep up with them. However, this isn’t always possible since you have other operations to run in your business. Most likely, you have no one to inform you of any changes. Not knowing everything about property tax when filing your returns is risky. You might pay your taxes as you used to 10 years ago, which might not be the way to go if the laws changed.  

Working with a property tax consultant will help you comply with your tax filing. With property tax being their area of expertise, most will be proactive in their operations. Being proactive means, they’ll familiarize themselves with any changes in property taxes. It’s the only way they can offer quality services to their clients. Besides learning the changes independently, most of them are in professional groups and have networks. Most professionals will inform each other of any changes in their industry. Once they know of the changes, they’ll inform you and adjust your tax filings accordingly. In no situation will you find your commercial property non-compliant regarding taxes. 

For Expert Advice

Filing property tax isn’t the same as filing individual returns. The property tax process is lengthier and more involving. Before filing, you need to do a valuation of your property at the time. It’ll help you know how much taxes you’re to pay. You have to present this valuation to the relevant body who’ll agree to it or refute it. If they accept it, you’ll go ahead and pay the taxes. It's good to note that you can appeal their valuation if they do their own appraisal. 

A commercial property tax consultant is an expert in the tax field and knows various approaches to valuation. Most of these professionals won’t settle for one approach. They’ll do their valuation using all approaches and find the one that’ll most benefit you. In this case, benefiting you means paying lower taxes. The common approaches are income, cost, equity, and sale approaches. However, the most preferred approach is equity. The consultant will value your property based on the value of other similar properties in your area. They’ll appraise four or five other similar properties, find the average and use this figure as the value of your property. 

To Minimize Risks

There are many risks associated with taxes for businesses. The risks arise through penalties and lawsuits for non-compliance. Depending on the extremities, penalties could rise to several million or a given percentage of your commercial property’s yearly profits. Such penalties can make you go bankrupt, which is undesirable.

By seeking the services of a property tax consultant, you can shift the burden and risk to them. You’re hiring them to handle your taxes since they are experts in the field. They shouldn’t make any errors that could cost the business. Should they file your taxes wrongly and you suffer penalties, they’re the ones to handle it and pay using their finances. However, it’s best to inform them of this at the beginning of your contract. Include this clause in your contract with them. You’ll safeguard your business finances.


Failing to file your taxes correctly has consequences. You also want to pay the least taxes possible. A commercial property tax consultant will help you achieve this. This article has discussed other ways you stand to benefit by seeking these services. With this information, you can decide whether to hire a property tax consultant. Be sure to make the right choice, one that won’t hurt your business.