Why People Can Experience Spiritual Dangers When Working With Some Crystals

Whether you use them or not, you can’t deny that healing crystals are all the rave right now. Over the years, we’ve seen different health-fixing trends, from Asian acupuncture, yoga exercise, to tai chi, but I have to say - healing crystals top the list for many people.

There are several benefits of crystals but one thing many people don’t know is that, when used improperly, certain spiritual dangers can occur when using these crystals

These crystals are believed to possess specific healing powers These crystals are believed to possess specific healing powers suited for specific needs of the body, the mind, and the soul, just like orgonite which has various benefits and uses. Speaking from history, crystal healing is one of the most ancient forms of medicine, with philosophies borrowed from Hinduism and Buddhism. Nevertheless, it’s important to know that there’s no scientific evidence to prove the healing power of crystals. Regardless of this, a lot of people still use crystals for various healing purposes. But, let’s ask the big question:

Do Crystals Really Heal?

As said earlier, there’s no scientific research that backs up the claim that crystals have healing powers or can be used to cure any disease whatsoever. This is because illnesses are caused by factors that have no form of relationship with the characteristics of crystals like wavelength, energy (negative energies), and the likes.

Nevertheless, the acclaimed power of crystals can not be disregarded quickly. Crystals might possess some physical and mental benefits as suggested by the placebo effect. And people have the right to trust anything for healing, just the way people of faith put faith in the power of prayer and other religious beliefs. Hence, believing in healing stones may not be such a crazy idea.

How Should You Choose Your Crystals?

Ah - the tricky question. Whenever you are ready to try out the healing power of crystals, there are things you need to consider. These include among many other things; determining your most immediate and wellness needs. This is necessary for you to select the right choice of crystal, since each healing crystal has a specific type of energy it gives off.  Whether you need it to increase serenity in your mind and environment or you want to ease the atmosphere of anxiety, there’s a crystal dedicated to each specific need. For instance, for improved serenity and tranquility in your atmosphere, there are crystals such as Amethyst and Aquamarine. On the other hand, for a boost of confidence or relief from anxiety, some examples would include Garnets and a list of gemstones native to Mexico such as Mexican Fire Opal and Titanite. With an extensive list of crystals to choose from, we can be sure to select the right one for our needs

When Can Things Go South With Healing Crystals?

These are several effects of healing crystals on the body, especially when it comes to how it makes people feel. For instance, Moldavite crystal has powers that are proven to attract many physical and emotional sensations which, in turn, results in intense healing of the body. But, in what instances can you experience spiritual dangers when working with some crystals? Let's explore the most possible scenarios:

Excess Conveyance Of Spiritual Energy Due To Overuse

Healing crystals like moldavite enhance your heart chakra and can help you find inner peace and stimulate your third eye chakra to enhance intuition. This action significantly improves spiritual energy levels which allow the host to tap into their inner self. Even though this can make the user find some inner peace and calmness, such a person can begin to communicate with the strange world which can alter natural mental balance

Possession Of Negative Spiritual Power Due To Wrong application

For a person who has the feeling of connection to the divine, moldavite can strengthen such connection and open you up to spiritual powers that can destroy anyone if crystals are wrongly used. Moldavite crystal energizes you to tap into your higher spiritual nature and if improperly harnessed, you may find it challenging to return to your original mental and spiritual state.

Drastic Life Changes Due To Improper Preparation

Moldavite transforms the life of whoever uses it. It changes something (or even multiple things) in your life, regardless of whether or not you notice these changes. You should do your best to be mentally and emotionally ready for these changes.

Moldavite Dangers Show Up Anytime

Moldavite is one of the most powerful and dangerous crystals on earth and this is because of its intense energy, deep green color, and its high clarity. A truly dangerous and pure piece of this crystal can be intensely overwhelming.

If you are aware of your energy and vibration, you will know when Moldavite is too dangerous for you to handle but a lot of people who simply jump into using healing crystals without proper research may cause themselves harm or discomfort. 

Crystals have an array of benefits, but it is important to do proper research before using any healing crystal to prevent experiencing spiritual dangers.