Why Focusing on the Quality of Your Sex Life Matters
Sex is a topic that is frequently discussed, whether you’ll talk about it online (for instance on forums), read articles about it, or with your friends, the truth is, it’s always something that sparks conversation.
And then we come to the inevitable question – how essential sex life is? That's particularly important when you're in a relationship. Are you and your partner satisfied with it, or do you think that there's room for improvement?
Anyhow, what can definitely be concluded is the fact that having high-quality sex (this refers to both single people and those in a relationship) comes with numerous benefits. If you don't believe us, then scroll below to find out more!
The Importance Of Having A Great Sex Life
It’s All About The Quality Time
A recent study has shown that spending quality time with your loved one (referring to the ones who are in a relationship) can have a positive impact on you. This is how it could help you:
You’ll be way more satisfied in the relationship
Will be more aware of all the good things in the relationship
Be a lot closer to your partner
Now, although there’s no denying that spending high-quality time with your partner is beneficial, however, there’s no rule on how much time it is supposed to be. At the end of the day, it’s all about your personal needs and what works for both of you.
Having a great time with your better half is going to aid you in stepping away from stress on a regular basis and simply being present for him/her. But are there tools that can help you improve your current sex life?
Sure there are! One of the most popular ones, for the time being, is sex pillows. Namely, they are created for lovemaking and their main goal is to support different sex positions. These sturdy pillows can nowadays be found in different sizes and angles to help your body be aligned and supported during sexual intercourse.
But how will you select the right one if you’ve never owned it before? To be honest, this great guide helped me pick the best sex pillow which is why it would be wise to cast your eyes on it as well, so you can make an excellent purchase. Having some guidance in these instances is always a superb idea.
It Improves Mood
There was one study that was conducted a few years ago, which concluded (it was testing 30,000 men and women from the USA) that having sex once a week (at least) is enough to keep you happy.
Besides lovemaking, there are many other things that can positively influence your mood, such as hugging, cuddling, holding hands, kissing, etc. Furthermore, being intimate with your partner can reduce depression as well.
Moreover, various studies in the past have shown that people who have sex on a regular basis have much better mental health. Of course, this doesn't refer to masturbation.
Adding More Informative Facts Below
Boosts Sleep Too!
A lot of people these days suffer from insomnia which can be a huge issue because it can negatively impact your life and overall functioning. Therefore, it would be advisable (if you are currently dealing with this issue) to do something that’s going to help you fall asleep easily.
One of the best and certainly most effective ways to achieve this is to have regular sex. That will for sure help you fall asleep in a blink of an eye. It is widely known that people tend to fall asleep right after intercourse, due to the fact that their body releases prolactin, which represents a hormone that makes you feel relaxed and rested.
Moreover, it’s worth mentioning the fact that the orgasm releases oxytocin as well, a hormone that promotes sleep. In case you didn't know, when you're sleep-deprived, you are at greater risk of having some mental health problems.
If you want to prevent them, then do whatever it takes to be healthier and more refreshed, and having sex on a regular basis will surely help you accomplish this. However, it’s important to note that some infections, such as trichomoniasis without having sex, can still occur through non-sexual means, including shared towels, damp surfaces, or contaminated objects.
A More Powerful Self-Image
Sexual intercourse is a physical act that accentuates the pleasure your body receives and gives. Having sex on a regular basis is going to enhance your self-esteem, and confidence and will impact (in a positive way) other aspects of your life.
It is so obvious that concentrating on having a good sex life can only make you feel more content. That’s precisely one of the reasons why you should never allow yourself to neglect this area of your life.