When to See a Specialist: Three Health-Specific Appointments You Should Make
For those of us who are getting older, we’re no stranger to making various health appointments for those little aches and pains and weird, quirky health things that crop up from time to time. For many of us, it’s just a matter of course. For another subset of folks, you may find yourself ignoring those little aches and pains and choosing instead to focus on other responsibilities and hobbies, rather than wasting time to go to the doctor.
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The truth is, though, that old adage “you’re only as healthy as you feel”, is only partially true. If you’re ignoring health concerns, no matter how minor, you may be creating bigger problems for yourself down the line. And it isn’t always as simple as going for routine checkups, either. There are times when you may need to see a specialist - a doctor who has a certain area of expertise - to pinpoint those bigger health problems and provide you with the care you need.
Below are just three areas of specialized medicine and why it’s a good idea to book that appointment:
Surgical Oncologists
A surgical oncologist is a surgeon who typically perform minimally invasive procedures and minor surgeries on patients to alleviate symptoms, and remove both malignant and benign growths, tumors and cancerous cells. Surgical oncology can assist patients with breast cancer, those with tumors (in various areas including the lungs, neck, and breast), those with bladder, colorectal, gynecological cancers, and many more. If you have a tumor or a growth that concerns you, or if you’re worried that a lump or mole might be malignant or cancerous, a surgical oncologist is who you should see. Most procedures are non-invasive and in some cases, outpatient.
A huge portion of the population find themselves, at one point or another, in need of an orthopedic physician or orthopedic surgeon. Whether you’ve got foot issues just from aging or a demanding job, or if you have an injury that will require physical therapy and treatment to recover from, an orthopedic doctor, west seattle foot and ankle should be on your call-list. Orthopedics is an ever-growing practice that sees millions of patients a year. Sometimes those issues shouldn’t be ignored, and calling an orthopedics practice to make an appointment is a great idea. There’s no reason you should be in pain!
All those with female anatomy should have a gynecologist or OBGYN on their speed dial. For routine visits such as pap smears, cancer checks and testing, as well as more specific care for those who are pregnant, seeking procedures, or need treatment for disease or illness. As you age, pap smears become more infrequent, but you still should have a dependable gynecologist on hand for any emergencies or necessary routine visits. Often these are accessible even to low-income individuals through sliding scale clinics, health departments and hospitals.
These are just three areas of specialized medicine where you should make an appointment. Taking your healthcare nto your own hands is a good idea no matter what your age, socioeconomic group or health history.