What is Orgone Energy and How Does it Work

You might have heard the terms “orgonite” or “orgone pyramids” at least once in your life but would always wonder what they really are. To understand orgone, the pseudoscientific concept is also described as esoteric energy; you need to know its origin and function.

Orgone Energy

Orgone energy is believed to be vital energy that permeates the universe, which is why it’s also said to be a universal life force. Some of the other ancient terms that were used for it are Chi, Prana, or Ki. It exists in different forms and can be controlled by orgone energy devices.

Origin of the Concept

Although the spiritual healing tool, orgonite, has recently gained immense popularity, the concept of orgone energy dates back to the 20th century when it was first discovered by an Austrian scientist, Wilhelm Reich. Dr. Reich published numerous books on topics such as psychology, religion, neurosis, and sexuality. During the 1930s, his attention was diverted to biopathy, cosmology, and bioelectricity. Thus, he started performing experiments with airborne microorganisms. It was during these tests that he discovered a radiation particle that he then named “orgone.” Reich initially discovered orgone energy in the human body, but as he continued his research, he observed that it exists in free form in the atmosphere.

The Concept of Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR)

Deadly Orgone Energy, also referred to as DOR, is believed to be negative energy that suffocates life forms. To understand this form of Orgone Energy, you must familiarize yourself with the term “Armouring”. Reich introduced this term for the accumulation and blockage of energy that can build up toxicity in our bodies and the environments we inhabit. Reich combined his knowledge of psychological disorders with this behavior of orgone. He believed that this stagnant, negative energy caused physical and mental disturbances in life forms.

The Invention of Orgone Devices

Upon learning the therapeutic benefits of Orgone, Reich created several devices to control this energy. His most popular invention is the “Orgone Energy Accumulators”. These were boxes made with alternate layers of metal and organic materials, a mixture that acts as a magnet to beneficial Orgone. Unfortunately, Dr. Reich was sent to prison for his discoveries, and the very word ‘orgone’ was attempted to be wiped from the English vocabulary. Regardless of this, the fascination of this idea continued, and Reich’s work was rediscovered as a great healing tool.

Orgonite and its Devices

Recently, people from around the globe have started to make orgone devices from orgonite. These devices are made by mixing polyester resin, metals, and different gemstones or crystals.

The most popular orgone device is the Orgone Pyramids that people keep in their homes. These pyramid-shaped devices act as a filter system for energy. In addition, necklaces or pendants made from Orgonite are another product that people commonly use. This is because holding or being close to an orgone device can dissipate negative energy. Therefore, direct skin contact of these jewelry pieces having energy cleansing abilities will prove to be extra beneficial.

Orgone Energy for Human Health

In today’s world of technology, human beings are constantly surrounded by electronic devices that generate electromagnetic fields around them. Whether these are low-frequency EMFs (emitted by electrically powered devices or appliances) or high-frequency EMFs (generated by wireless devices like mobile phones, TV, or WiFi routers), regular exposure to these radiations is causing harm to the human body. To protect ourselves from these accumulators of DOR, we should try to eliminate these devices from the environment and also, use orgonite products for cleansing and healing.

How they Protect

Orgone energy, scientifically known as Zero Point Energy, is a universal force that can transform negative (lower-potential) energy into positive (higher-potential) energy. Today, now that all this knowledge has resurfaced, we can use it to physically and emotionally heal ourselves. Thus, using modern adaptations of Reich’s Orgone Energy Accumulator, i.e., Orgonite objects, can help us create a more balanced healthy state. Apart from EMF cleansing, these spiritual tools can also help with:

  • Improving sleep and dreams

  • Growth of plants and gardens

  • Purification of living spaces

  • Detoxification of water

  • Balancing out moods

  • Improvement of psychological and spiritual growth

These are some of the helpful information about Orgone energy. It’s no big deal if this was the first time you heard of the term, you can even expand your knowledge about it to know how it works as well as its effect on people's lives. Since orgone energy is believed to have multitudes of beneficial effects, you should consider using an Orgonite product to surround yourself with positive vibes and awaken your spiritual self.