What Documents You Need to Keep Safe in Case of an Emergency

Among the most important items that should be protected from different emergencies like fires, floods, hurricanes, or anything similar, lie vital personal, as well as family documents. This might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your valuable items, but the truth is, getting new documents like these requires both time and effort, and in case of emergency, you have none of those two.

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You should also know that, in the wake of a real emergency, the probability is high that you are going to need at least some of them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, have in mind that paper documents are one of the items that are most susceptible to water and fire damage, as well as to similar problems that occur in case of pretty much any type of disaster.

All of that being said, in order for you to be as prepared as you possibly can be, in this article, we have prepared a list of all the important documents of vital importance that you need to keep safe at all times - as well as how to do so. 

Consider Getting a Digital Copy of Everything Important

Here’s the thing - everything that exists in a physical form regarding documentation experiences a certain degree of possibility that it can be destroyed. So, whether it comes to keeping your medical records safe from criminals, or your financial information away from the fire, experts explain that the best way to do so is to have a digital copy, safely encrypted and stored online. This way, you ensure that no matter what happens on-site, your documents are safe and sound off-site.

Surely, you can just as easily store them on a USB flash drive, but the problem with that is the fact that your USB is also extremely susceptible to damage, hence making it an inadequate choice for storage of important data.

Now that we have got that out of the way, let’s talk about which documents should you focus on the most and why.

Family Documents - What Should You Focus On 

First and foremost, you need to take care that all the documents regarding your identity are kept safe since these are the basis for gaining access to any other documentation. In case of losing any of them - regaining them is going to be a slow process, obstructing you from being able to proceed in the process of the emergency aftermath.

When it comes to emergencies, the key is to be absolutely prepared for the worst, but expect the best possible outcome.

Birth Certificates

Your birth certificate is arguably one of the most important documents that you have. While digital copies are fine as well, just in case, be sure to have your birth certificates in the disaster preparedness kit in order to be able to prove who you are exactly, as well as where you are a citizen. Also, it would be best if you even had this document safely stored in a secure location like a bank safe deposit box for instance.

Social Security Cards

Getting a new copy of your Social Security card can take a lot of time, and in case of a disaster, it may not be simple to do so. That being said, be sure to keep copies of social security cards of all your family members so that you don’t need to experience any unexpected inconveniences in case a disaster strikes.


In case anyone in your family owns a passport, it’s imperative that you keep a copy of it. These are going to be able to provide a starting point for replacing all sorts of different important forms of identification, so, be sure to keep a copy of them. It’s especially important that you bring a copy of your passport whenever you are traveling to a different country as well.

Driver Licenses

Just as passports, driver licenses are credible enough proof of identification and should hence be kept safe.

Photographs are Important as Well

It may seem far-fetched, but in case you have been separated from your family and pets, a recent photograph of them may be your best lead to reuniting with them.

Microchip Numbers of Your Pets

In case you are a pet owner and considering that your pets are microchipped, be sure to keep a copy of the microchip tag number - finding your pets in case of an emergency is a lot easier if you have this information safe and sound.

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Documents Regarding Your Finances

After you have ensured that all the fundamental documents are kept safe, it’s time to do so for the financial documents as well - being in a disaster doesn’t mean that you are able to just stop paying your bills.

Tax-Related Information

It’s extremely important that you have a copy of your last year's tax returns. This way, you are able to prove your income should come in a situation where you need to do so. Also, making a copy of your personal and business property tax statements is advised as well. 

Financial Account Numbers

Having copies of statements from all bank or credit union accounts you have ensures that you are going to be able to have access to the account number in question. You should also make copies of a credit or debit card statement. This is vital since you need to be certain that you have access to your money in case a disaster strikes.

Your Insurance Information

All insurance policies you have should be kept safe since, if any kind of emergency happens, in order to get reimbursed it’s vital that you have these documents. This is especially important for medical insurance.

Medical Documents That You Need

In case of an emergency, people regularly happen to get hurt. This is why it is crucial that you have your medical documents preserved.

Allergy Information

You can’t know what situation can possibly happen when you are dealing with emergencies. So, in case someone in your family has any serious allergies, be sure to have a record of this information on hand.

List of Specific Medication

If anyone in your family happens to be taking any specific medications on a regular basis, it’s vital that you list the medications in question,  as well as the doses and the doctor who prescribed them.

All the Crucial Medical Records

While it certainly isn’t necessary that you store copies of all of your medical records, you should include any relevant information about some specific, serious diagnosis or procedures that you have had done in the past.

In the end, it all boils down to assessing the importance of your documents and being prepared. In case there is no need for those copies - even better, but if you just so happen to be in a situation where it can help you, you will be glad that you took the time to ensure that you are ready for that kind of situation.