To drink or not to drink? Benefits, harms and purpose of protein

Protein is most often talked about in gyms, as it helps to build muscle. But this supplement is used not only to build a sporty body. How does protein work and what is it needed for?

What is protein?

There are probably almost no more people who still confuse protein with anabolic steroids. But it is important to once again indicate what is what.

Muscle Nation protein is a protein, the main building material of the body. It is responsible for the growth, repair and replacement of tissues. The most protein in foods such as:

  • eggs;

  • meat;

  • fish and seafood;

  • dairy: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt;

  • legumes;

  • cereals;

  • soy products, etc.

That is, we get protein with food. And usually this amount is enough for the body. But in some cases, more protein is needed. The most common of them are:

  • disease;

  • intensive sports;

  • pregnancy, breast-feeding.

In these cases, protein powder is often taken.

Powdered protein is a dietary supplement that consists of protein separated from other components. 

Once in the body, powdered protein behaves exactly the same as protein in food — it is broken down into amino acids and used for energy production, the creation of enzymes and the construction of new tissues.

Protein has nothing to do with such dangerous drugs as anabolic steroids, although the latter are also used to build the body, increase endurance, etc.

What is protein used for?

Most often it is taken to build muscle mass. The use of this supplement is necessarily combined with sports. Directly under stress, the muscles are destroyed. Growth also occurs during the recovery period. And then protein comes to the rescue: it makes up for the losses and strengthens the places that have survived the microtrauma.

Protein also helps to lose weight because it:

  • reduces the feeling of hunger;

  • increases the amount of hormones on which the feeling of fullness depends;

  • increases the synthesis of enzymes that trigger the production of glucose in the liver and its subsequent conversion into glycogen;

  • increases the waste of energy at rest: in order to process protein, the body has to spend 20-30% of the energy received from food.

To maintain muscle, especially during a diet, you also need a high amount of protein. In the process of losing weight, we lose not only fat, but also some percentage of muscle mass. And the stricter the diet, the more. Protein helps to maintain muscles and a high level of metabolism even without power loads.

To make up for protein deficiency due to its lack in the diet. Such a problem can be encountered when:

  • irregular meals or small amounts of food — drinking a protein shake is much easier and faster than eating 200 g of chicken breast or a package of cottage cheese;

  • vegetarianism — protein from plant foods is absorbed worse than protein of animal origin, so without meat, dairy products and eggs, it can be problematic to gain your daily allowance.

Who shouldn't drink protein?

People who have kidney problems are not recommended to consume large amounts of protein. The oxidation of amino acids increases the load on the kidneys and thereby increases the risk of stone formation. If you drink enough water, you can reduce this negative effect. But it is still better to consult a doctor before taking a dietary supplement.

Which protein to choose?

First you need to decide why you include it in the diet.

Protein is divided into types depending on its origin:

  • Casein is a protein that people obtain from cow milk. This species is well absorbed by the body and slows down the emptying of the stomach.

  • Whey protein is also made from cow's milk. It is effective for losing weight and maintaining muscle mass, while being inexpensive.

  • Beef is even better than whey protein for weight loss.

  • Egg protein. Egg white is almost completely absorbed by the body and suppresses hunger for a long time. Pea is a good option for vegetarians and vegans. It provides the same feeling of satiety as whey protein and casein.

  • Soy and rice types are also suitable for vegans. They are not as effective for losing weight and reducing hunger than whey protein, but they still give results.

  • Collagen protein has an optimal amount of amino acids for the repair and construction of muscle fibers, tendons, skin and joints. It is most often used as an additive to the bulk of the protein mixture.

Separately, we note that proteins do not differ by gender. For both men and women, whey, milk, that is, casein, and egg are considered the best. These types of protein are more balanced in terms of amino acid profile, digestibility and biological value.